
Friday, August 13, 2010

Chocolate Mint Dessert - Happy Birthday Grandpa

I always get a little misty eyed this time of year. August 13th is a bittersweet day for me, Grandpa Silvio's birthday. His birthday was the day before mine and I still think about how he is not here to celebrate with.

I was looking through some old cookbooks the other day when I saw this Hershey's recipe with Creme de Menthe; right away I got a big smile on my face. My parents weren't big drinkers, but we always had Creme De Menthe in the house, so did Grandpa. That fact still surprises me considering the five of us were so bad. I figured this would be a perfect little dessert for us to celebrate with!

1 cup all-purpose flour
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup butter, softened
4 eggs
1 1/2 cups (16 oz. can) Hershey's Syrup

In a large bowl combine flour, sugar, butter, eggs and syrup; beat until smooth. Pour into greased 13x9x2" pan. Bake in a 350 degree F oven for 25-30 mins. Cool the cake then chill it for 1 hour. 

Mint Cream
2 cups confectioner's sugar
1/2 cup butter, softened
2 tbsp. green Creme de Menthe or 1 teaspoon mint extract and green food coloring

In a small bowl combine powdered sugar, butter and Creme de Menthe and beat until smooth. I added a little extra powdered sugar, because it wasn't the consistency I wanted.

Spread mint cream on cake, cover and chill for 1 hour.

Chocolate Topping
6 tbsp. butter
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

In a small saucepan over low heat melt butter and chocolate chips. Remove from heat; stir until smooth. Cool slightly. Pour chocolate topping over chilled dessert. Cover; chill at least one hour before serving.

I just had to throw this picture in for you; I thought it was kinda cool when I saw it. Help me I'm falling and can't get up (bad humor, I know). They looked good and I couldn't wait to give them a try, Happy Birthday to Me, Right! I must confess they were good, but a little too sweet and not enough chocolate flavor for my taste; hard to believe that came out of my mouth. I did change my mind though after eating half the pan.

I don't really worry about age; it is just a number after all. I'm spending my birthday prepping for my daughter's party on Sunday and I'm quite happy about that. I cook because I want to not because I have to. Wait till you see the desserts I have in the works for her.

Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to Me!!!! Now I'm happy, never stay sad for more than a moment that frown may become permanent.




  1. They look fantastic and I can imagine how good with the mint and chocolate combo! I'm sure Grandpa would've loved them! I'm new here and see lots of good things like the pulled pork below that I want to try. Happy Birthday!!!

  2. Gina, these mint cream chocolate Torten look incredible! Sure your grandpa would have enjoyed them!
    Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! (bet you got what it means...yes, happy birthday!)


  3. These look great! And I love mint chocolate stuff--some of my favorite. I also bet they kept it in the house b/c no one in their right mind just drinks creme de menthe. ick!

  4. those little cakes looks so very very good! I would love to try one or two before I pass judgement......I'm sure your grandpa is smiling down on you!

  5. These cakes are so cute!!! What a great treat, and I bet I would love them, I like anything with mint. :)

  6. Happy Birthday! I'm sure your grandpa would be touched by this token of love. My husband (who has quite the sweet tooth) would have loved one of these to cap off his week. I'm not a big chocolate girl, but even I might be tempted!

  7. Thanks everyone, I so appreciate it! I've reconsidered my opinion, after devouring half of the pan, I'm going to give them a thumbs up! Can you believe it's almost midnight and I'm still up baking getting ready for Sunday!
