
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cheese Filled Rolls - aka Zombies

Christmas is over, yet the germs are still lingering in this house!  My daughter came home from college and brought with her a nasty virus.  Despite my best sanitizing efforts, we all got it.  I've been dragging the last couple of days, but today I wanted bread to make me feel better.  Not just any bread, Zombies to be exact. I never was a fan of the cafeteria in school, but one thing they did excel at was making Cheese Zombies.

Baking bread is one of those perks of being stuck in the house all day.  Santa was kind to me and brought me some lights for my photography.  He probably felt sorry for me since he saw this pathetic set-up the other day.  Little did Santa know but I was actually working on a post called, "Seriously Low-Budget Photography Tips!" 

I was feeling a little more chipper today and finally had the energy to set my new lights up.  My younger daughter was so excited; she decided we should have a photo shoot with Teddy.  I think she enjoyed it way more than he did.

Cheese Zombies
2 cups warm water 110 degrees
1 tablespoon dry active yeast
6 cups bread flour (all-purpose flour works fine also)
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 cup unsalted butter, melted

Dissolve yeast in warm water, let sit for 5 minutes.  Add to mixer with dough hook.  Add flour, sugar, salt and butter; mix till it comes away from sides of mixer.  Put in oiled bowl, cover and rise until doubled.  About 1-2 hours.

Place dough on floured board and cut dough in half.  Then cut each of the halves in seven equal pieces.

Grab a piece of dough and dip it in a little flour and flatten it to a circle with your hands.  In the center of the dough this is where you can get creative.  For the kids I made pizza rolls, stuffed with mozzarella, sun-dried tomato pesto (or pizza sauce), and pepperoni.

My personal favorite, basil pesto and mozzarella cheese.  I just used store bought pesto since I haven't had any basil in the garden for a while.

Once your filling of choice is inside pull up outside edges to top and start pinching closed, twisting as you pinch.

Make sure and pinch them good, you don't want any of the lovely cheese leaking out.  Place them seam side down on a baking sheet lined with parchment.  Cover the trays with a clean dishtowel and let rise for another 30 minutes to 1 hour until doubled.  

After they are finished rising, brush with an egg wash (1 beaten egg and 2 tsp. water).  My super secret finish is a sprinkle of Himalayan Pink salt; any coarse salt would work fine.

Bake in a 350 degree F oven for 15-20 minutes till golden brown.

Serves 14.




  1. What a lovely bun and fillings, Gina. Am going to make them this weekend. Wish you could have shown how did these delicacies look from inside..a virtual treat.

  2. Oh my word those look AMAZING!!! And what a creative idea, I just love all of the fillings. But I especially love the basil pesto and mozzarella filling, it looks soooo good. I am so making these soon. :) Thanks for the recipe.

  3. Ohhh these are goooood really goood. Sorry to hear you guys got sick but I'm glad you had the strenghts to make these! Get better soon and happy new year!

  4. MMm!!! They look like they would make anyone feel better, I sure hope it worked on you all. We've had a bit of a bug too, but not too bad. I did (to the happiness of my son!) lose my voice about a week ago, but it's back good and strong now. Hang in there!
    Can't wait to hear about the new lights!!

  5. I'm not a kid anymore but I find those pizza ones delicious looking. Happy New Year!

  6. These look delicious!! How creative are you? I remember those cheese filled rolls, I never liked them, but I would love yours! I love the kimchi filled ones haha. Lisa is definitely rubbing of on all of us!

    I LOVE your low budget lighting set-up LOL. You should see the stuff I do, it's embarassing and the lighting still looks terrible. I love the first photo- looks beautiful! :)

  7. mmm... yummy!!! they look delicious!!!! :-)

  8. I am so impresssed! these look fantatic! great combination.

  9. Glad that you are feeling better. Your rolls look so good. BTW, I need those low budget photography tips:) Santa brought me a new food processor, instead of a camera, so now I have to buy a camera!

  10. I hope you're feeling MUCH better soon. Not a fun way to spend the holidays. Teddy looks like he is doing you guys a BIG favor by wearing that scarf :-) And, last but certainly not least - those rolls look fantastic. So many options for stuffing them. I'd have a great time with the combos! And, now that I've tackled some baking for the holidays and didn't ruin anything I may actually try them.

  11. These look amazing! I am sorry to hear that your daughter brought back the plague with her haha, I used to do that all the time when I came home from college. I am sure all will be better in no time...I really do love the filling you put in those rolls though, Gina. They just look so tasty!

  12. Oh my Gina I want to try your kimchi rolls! I agree ham or bacon would work wonderfully. Perhaps even pork belly! mmmm I hope you're feeling better!

  13. Wonderful recipe. I'm pretty sure I would have to give them a try for the name alone. ;) I'm glad you are feeling better.

  14. I love the look of those buns...can imagine the gooey melting cheese inside after it's cook! yum!

  15. Sanjeeta the one shot that didn't come out good was the inside shot, plus I was too busy eating them after they came out of the oven. Darn I will just have to make them again.

    Lisa, I think you are on to something!

    Thanks everyone, I'm feeling lots better.

  16. Gina, Gina, hit the spot with this one! I love this post, recipe and photos! Wonderful job!

  17. hi Gina!
    I am so sorry to hear that you and your family were not feeling well, there is so much going around....
    as for your zombie rolls, now those are some tasty looking rolls, I would love a few of those little filled beauties! n Congrats on your new lights!! I can't wait to see them in action!!

  18. Gina, I love these zombies :-)) So delicious!
    Happy New Year!

  19. Yum! They look so good, and so versatile! I hope you all feel better soon

  20. OOOH, what fun these are! They remind me of the strombolis they sell in pizza shops here in NY. I think I would be partial to your basil one. Hope the illness fades soon; it was passed around our family too!

  21. Like a fun little dumpling! I made something similar with brie and mango chutney. A great side.

  22. I've never heard of "zombies" but cheese and other goodies inside a little bun just has to be good! Sorry you were all sick but so glad you have some wonderful new lighting!

  23. I'm so sorry to hear you're not feeling so well.
    These zombies sound and look so good. Love the cheesy pesto one.
    thanks for sharing.
    the dog is so cute :)

    I wish You..
    12 Month of Happiness,
    52 Weeks of Fun,
    365 Days Success,
    8760 Hours Good Health,
    52600 Minutes Good Luck,
    3153600 Seconds of Joy

    Happy New Year

  24. I've never heard them called zombies, but I like it :) and how versatile they are - the flavor combinations are endless and can include everyone's favorite! Glad you're feeling better, Gina. My daughter came home sick too but thankfully it must be just a lingering cold. Hope everyone feels better by New Year's Eve. Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy 2011!

  25. Oooo yum!!! Those cheesy balls look SO good. I will have to try my hand at these. That's a bummer that everyone is sick - that is the worst! Hope you all feel better.

  26. I'm so sorry that everyone has been sick. There is nothing worse than being under the weather during the holidays. I couldn't agree more with you though...making bread is one of the best ways to spend a day indoors. Thank you for sharing this yummy recipe. I hope you have a wonderful and healthy New Years with your family and friends!

  27. Gina-Your filled zombies are pure perfection and temptingly delicious, as well!
    Sorry to hear your daughter is not feeling well, hope she'll be all better soon!
    Love the photo with the cute scarf on Teddy...he is so adorable.
    I would love to make these rolls, but it will have to wait till after New Year's.
    Wishing you, and your wonderful family, a blessed, healthy, safe, and Happy New Year!

  28. Oh my goodness...these look and sound amazing! I don't think our cafeteria ever had anything this delectable...only thing I remember liking is the rectangular pizza and gooey chocolate chip cookies! Saving it for a future endeavor :D I also wanted to say thank you for your kind words when you stopped by earlier...totally made my day! Plus, now I have a new delicious place to hang out. :D Happy New Year to you and yours.

  29. These look pretty delicious! And congrats on the new lights! And I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who enjoys photo shoots with my dogs!

  30. I love these! There is something so comforting about them, not to mention delicious. I'm loving the basil pesto/ mozz and the kimchi ones. Your doggie is too cute. Happy New Year, Gina!! Hopefully we'll see more of each other in the new year!

  31. Ok, so I waited until New Year's day to read this when most of the world has the zombie feeling. I should have made these. They look fantastic. Happy new year!!!

  32. Teddy is so cute! Congratulations on your new lighting, fun...
    These are fantastic filled rolls, I love the pesto one :) Hope everyone is feeling better by now.
    Happiest of New Years to you and your family!

  33. Oh.My.Goodness. These look so good! I'm your newest follower :o)
