
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Meyer Lemon & Blackberry Surprise Muffins

I love Meyer lemons, I can't get enough of them.  I've been fully engulfed by S.A.D. this week, and isn't that the perfect acronym for it.  I'm pretty sure Californians are fueled by the sun and when we go days on end without it; things just get a little rough.  Nonetheless, I'm still thankful we aren't knee deep in snow. Or I'd probably be like a bear, curled up in a ball hibernating somewhere.

I really wanted to put a little sunshine back in my life.  What's more perfect than Meyer lemons for the job.  Meyer lemons have a stronger perfume and sweeter taste, let's just hail them the Queen of lemons and a regular lemon - would just be a Princess or something.  You are going to have to trust me on this one, because you know full well by now I'm not about to explain the scientific breakdown of them; you would be on the wrong blog for sure.

When I was little my mom always made surprise muffins for us, they were a simple muffin with jelly in the middle.  I was hoping by recreating these in my favorite flavor, maybe it would bring a little sunshine back into to my life.  I love leaving a bowl of these on the counter, waltzing by and smelling them as if they were perfume.

Meyer Lemon Muffins
2 cups all-purpose flour
2/3 cups granulated sugar
1 tbsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup vegetable oil or butter, melted
Zest and juice from 2 Meyer lemons
2 large eggs
1 cup milk
Blackberry jam
12 blackberries (optional, but extra yummy)

In a large mixing bowl combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.  Stir to combine.  In another bowl add oil, lemon zest, lemon juice, eggs, and milk, stir together and add to dry ingredients. Mix well.

Line a 12-cup muffin pan with paper liners.  Fill half way with lemon batter and then add a teaspoon full of blackberry jam and a whole blackberry.

Then cover with rest of lemon batter, until cupcakes are full.

Bake in 400 degree F oven for 20 minutes.  Let cool a bit.

Lemon Glaze
1 cup powdered sugar
2-3 tsp. Meyer lemon juice
Zest from 1 Meyer lemon

Mix sugar, zest and juice until combined, if not spoon-able add a little water.  Spoon over top of muffins.

These muffins aren't for those who want a hint of lemon flavor; they are for those of us who want to be smacked in the face with it.  Just a warning though, you may be tempted to eat the paper wrappers in order to get all the goodness off it!

See the yummy surprise in there that will be waiting for you if you make these tangy muffins.

Hope they brought you at least a little smile and sunshine!

Serves 24.




  1. Gina
    those muffins look amazing, the colour, texture and that blackberry surprise in the center...sigh
    I want one! Well at least two, maybe 3....but definitely no more than 4!
    Hope the sun shines on you soon!

  2. Oh those lemons are gorgeous! I love your photos! I would also love a bite of that muffin...beautiful!

  3. Those sound delicious! I love lemon this time of year, and I also love how these have a surprise in the middle.

  4. Gina, your muffins look so good! I adore Meyer lemons...I wonder if I can find some in my local store here in Seattle. It's sometimes possible.

  5. These look yumm! I have a meyer lemon tree I planted last year! I love it, so full of lemons.

  6. Lemons are the perfect way to brighten up your day. And the fact that the are filled with a sweet, jammy surprise makes these even better!

  7. You have inspired me! I going to buy lemons and blackberries this morning to make me a batch of sunshine. :0)

  8. This looks so up my alley! I love lemons and the surprise middle is a definite yes. Great recipe Gina!

  9. Your muffins do look amazing. I love the hidden surprise, blackberry and lemon, yum!

  10. This looks gorgeous! I would love to try Meyer Lemons. Heard nothing but fabulous things about them :)

  11. Those are special muffins; very special; they look amazing. I can almost taste that lemon.

  12. Those muffins look absolutely divine. Love the citrus flavour combined with the berries.

  13. Gina,
    I love lemon, but haven't had Meyer lemons yet. I'll be on the lookout, but may not be able to find them in the Midwest now. Same for the blackberries, but I can buy blackberry jam, and may have to use regular lemons at this time. Thanks for sharing.

  14. I hope you try them, they are delish! I think regular lemons will work fine, may want to up the sugar a tad to balance their tartness.

  15. Ok, Dennis wants 4, I'd like that many, I'm sure most of the rest are with us, so how many are you shipping east? LOL - those look fantastic!!! I love the dollop of jam in the middle. Have a feeling if you like these you'd love the lemon blueberry ones on my blog. Kate @ kateiscooking

  16. Gorgeous Gina! The lemons look polished for criminy sakes. I don't think I have ever had a Meyer lemon, but I see Giada use them all the time:) These muffins look scrumptious!

  17. It has definitely been pretty dreary here for pretty much since the holidays. But citrusy muffins are a good way to cheer up anyone.

  18. Gina, I've already decided what my snack will be tomorrow! These really are like sunshine these days! School was awful with the rain so I need to cheer myself up! Have a great rest of the week!

  19. Oh my gosh. I so much want one of those. No, that's not true. I want ALL of those. I adore anything with lemon and to add blackberry to it just puts it over the top. Oh, I want; I need; I must have!

  20. I just adore the combination of lemons and berries. What a wonderful idea to use both blackberry jam and blackberies, I would have never of though of that! Your muffins are just gorgeous and I love the addition of the lemon glaze. Mmm I MUST make these. :)

  21. You're making me feel all summery with the lemons and blackberries. I have the blackberries... (no jam but I think I can make do. And then they will make winter go away, right?

  22. I love the idea of lemon and blackberry together. I don't see Myer lemons very often but I'll be like a woman on a mission trying to find them to make this.

  23. gina, lovely recipe and the muffins look mouthwatering!

  24. Gina, what a brilliant idea of combining blackberry and lemon in muffins. Those muffins look summery and delightful.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  25. I've never had lemon and blackberry together, but I just know it's a flavor combination I would absolutely love! And your muffins look incredible. I'm still a sucker for things with a surprise in the middle!

  26. What a lovely little surprise in every muffin :) I'm beginning to miss the sun as well and in Texas that's normally pretty difficult to do! I hope you got the little ray of sunshine you needed with these muffins!

  27. I was in the mood for some blueberry muffins these days and was waiting for the weekend to finally make a batch. Seeing your blackberry muffins I've changed my min, want yours. Love the surprise in the middle. Yummy.
    Thanks Gina

  28. These look amazing! I love the berry burst! I wonder if frozen berries would work? I will have to try. Yum!!!!

  29. oh wow love these muffins I made meyer lemon madeleines once they are amazing lemons, pleased you liked the twitter tips lol

    join in its fun

    hugs Rebecca

  30. Everything about these muffins looks perfect and delicious! I need a little sunshine in my life all the time and these are the perfect trick :) Enjoy the long weekend!

  31. Hi Gina! These muffins are such a bright treat! I just received a box of meyer lemons from California, and I've been enjoying them immensely. They are so wonderful on a cold winter day. Thank you for sharing another recipe I can use them in! I hope you have a weekend bursting with love!

  32. Love the blackberry filled cute Muffins!

  33. You can't go wrong with Meyers lemons and blackberries! Would love to dig a fork into one of these and get to those blackberrys!! Yum.

  34. The lemon glaze, the blackberry center! Oh, this look so delicious! (And like you, I heart Meyer lemons too!)

  35. You definitely have the sun shining in your kitchen with such lovely lemons. The muffins look amazing. I love the berry surprise in the center.

  36. Hey Gina, I can feel the burst of sunshine coming off these lemony muffins and I love the surprise baked in the center. I love Meyer lemons just for the way they smell:-)

  37. Gina this is so much of a coincidence. I baked lemon muffins today to help me with my SADs, That is just too funny then I stop by and here are your amazing SAD curing lemon muffins :)I love surprise muffins and think your name is great for them. Thanks for sharing this recipe I am going to try it next time I'm in the mood for lemon muffins or feeling blue.

  38. Hi Gina, just sent you a FoodBuzz friend request. have a lovely Sunday,

  39. Oh these look delicious! What a nice way to perk up a tough time of year!

  40. Gina-These meyer lemon muffins look incredibly moist and yummy with the blackberry surprise in the middle. So colorful, and temptingly delicious!

  41. These are wonderful muffins Gina...just delicious, and I am just imagining the flavors :)

  42. It's really cold in California too! No snow though... I grow Meyer lemons in my garden; I wish mine were as pretty! Your muffins look so scrumptious and the lemon glaze looks so tempting :)

  43. Wonderful muffins. Delicious meyer lemon. These take me mom always loved to bake some jam filled muffins.

  44. It was nice meeting you briefely on the shuttle bus last night. I am lookinmg forward to baking with you soon. These muffins look simply delish. These are definitely a must try.
