
Monday, February 7, 2011

Citrus and Mixed Greens Salad

I have a whole list of recipes I want to try soon, although most of them are stuck in my head and may never see the light of day.  This one though, got a shortcut straight to the front of the line, courtesy of my sister.  She works at a hospital and they had a potluck the other day, she called me on her way home and was going on and on about this citrus salad her co-worker Alisha made and how light and refreshing it was.

After she had given me the rundown of all their yummy eats, and by the way, yes I was jealous. She proceeds to tell me, her and her co-workers have been reading my blog and that they are now fans and would love to come over here and eat.  After, I stopped giggling, I said, "Yes of course, I'd love that".  My sister's birthday is right around the corner, so I'm having a birthday party for her and her friends. 

I don't know what makes me happier, that someone actually reads my blog or that people want to eat my food! I can't wait, we are going to have so much fun and of course lots of yummy food.  I'm going to give you the recipe the way I got it, and I'll put my edits on the side.  I only edited, because I had to sub some stuff for what I had on hand.  It was so good; it really didn't need any improvements.

Citrus and Mixed Greens Salad
1 bag of mixed salad greens (I used an herb mixed greens from Trader Joe's)
1/2 cup red seedless grapes, halved 
1 - 11 oz. can mandarin oranges, drained
1 - 8 oz. container pineapple chunks, drained
1 - 8 oz. container grapefruit segments, drained
21 walnut halves, toasted (I used pecans, but the walnuts would have been good too)

Combine all the above in a big bowl.  Can make prior to needed and store in refrigerator.  Toss with dressing prior to serving.  I bought larger containers of fruit, so I'd have some leftover, since my daughter loves all these anyway; she's my fruit girl.

Orange Poppy Seed Dressing
1/2 cup fresh orange juice
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup canola oil
2 tbsp. champagne vinegar (I used an orange champagne vinegar)
1/8 tsp. salt
1 tsp. poppy seeds

Combine orange juice, honey, oil, vinegar and salt in blender, process until blended.  Add poppy seeds and pulse once.  Cover and refrigerate.

I just wanted to say a special Thank You to Alisha for passing this recipe along.  I think this recipe would be perfect not only for a potluck but any night of the week.  My non-salad loving husband ate this like there was no tomorrow, so I knew it was a keeper.  I loved this salad, not only because it was light and healthy, but also it was perfect to get rid of those winter blues.




  1. That does look like a yummy salad. I love the dressing. How incredibly refreshing is orange juice in a dressing!

    How fun for you to host the party for your sister. I can't wait to hear about it.

  2. looks so beutiful,amazing your salad!

  3. What a wonderful, winter salad. I may adapt and make something similar tonight - I mean it's calling to me (and I don't want to leave the house again for ingredients.... brrr...) Really love the dressing. Really, really love that you have orange-champagne vinegar!

  4. Oh, this is so lovely, and refreshing, Gina. Love the orange poppy seed dressing to go along with all those fresh and perfect citrus, and the fresh greens. This is a winner, for sure!

  5. This salad makes me hopeful for spring!

  6. I love salad with fruit and nuts, and yours is gorgeous. My go to salad in the winter is with orages, craisins, apples and walnuts, with a raspberry of balsamic vinaigrette dressing. I'll have to try the orange poppy seed dressing. You're so sweet to have a b-day party for your sister and her friends.

  7. Gina, this is so healthy and colorful.. I love the dressing..

  8. Sounds like a salad we'd absolutely love. And, bonus, we've got all the ingredients. Tonight, if I escape the office in time...

  9. What a beautiful salad full on healthy ingredients; saving this one;I have poppy seeds.

  10. I want to come over and eat, too! This salad looks so light and refreshing. Perfect for this time of year. Gorgeous photos, Gina :)

  11. What a colorful and gorgeous salad! It looks so good and flavorful. The orange poppyseed dressing sounds amazing. :)

  12. The perfect winter salad! So beautiful and refreshing!

  13. Look at all the gorgeous color in that salad! Just beautiful and a dish that is guaranteed to get eaten by all four of my boys for the fruit in it alone. Perfection.

  14. This salad looks amazingly refreshing and delicious. I love simple salad like this one. :)

  15. What an absolute perfect salad! Love the fruit additions and the dressing is a must try! Enjoy your week!

  16. This is just gorgeous. It would be perfect for brunch any time of the year.

  17. This is just the prettiest salad EVER! And finally some use for my long-bought-never-used poppy seeds! :)

  18. that's one salad I will love to get my hands on- looks super healthy and delicious!

  19. Such a beautiful, bright salad! And I think you are a doll for throwing your sister a birthday party so her friends can try out your food in person.

  20. I'm a big fan of salads. I grew up eating them almost daily. This looks very refreshing and a perfect salad for summer too. But I don't think I can wait until then. :)

  21. Wow this looks appealing with it's mix of colors and flavors. Delicious!

  22. Oh that looks so refreshing and delicious! I make salads like this almost daily for lunch ... I throw in some citrus, some walnuts, bleu cheese (just a bit) and I'm ready to go. :)

  23. Hi Gina. What a bright and flavorful salad for these winter months. The burst of citrus must be perfect! I know that I would LOVE to come over to your house for some of your yummy food. Thank you so much for sharing, my friend!

  24. Gina, this has got to be the most colourful and pretty salad I have seen in a long time! The first picture makes me seriously HUNGRY!

  25. Gina this sounds so mouthwatering. I love salads with fruit, the freshness and slight sweetness is just the perfect combination. Thanks to your sister's friend for passing this along to all of us.
    Your blog always makes me hungry, and my mouth water. I know all of us who read your blog would love to come over to your house:) Don't worry we'll do the dishes;)

  26. This salad is a beauty! So fresh and colorful for a perfect winter salad. The citrus dressing looks and sounds delicious. I like this to bring to a potluck. Thanks for sharing Gina and have a great week;-)

  27. This sounds just wonderful! Did you get your vinegar from Trader Joes?

  28. This is a great winter salad. Citrus is at its peak here in Florida. The salad is fresh and flavorful. Love it.


  29. How fresh and delightful...I love these types of salads :) Happy Birthday to your sister, and how fun to share your delicious food with her and her friends...

  30. How fun for you to cook for your "fans." That salad looks amazing. I love lettuce and citrus together. The nuts are a good addition, too.

  31. this looks wonderful can't beat a good salad so pleased the facebook tips post helped you email if you need further help

  32. All that citrus and fruit is making the salad pop out of the screen! We are all fans of your blog and your cooking, Gina, and if we could, we would love to come over to yours for a meal... ;-)

  33. Thanks Everyone, you all have me thinking, I need to figure out how to have a virtual potluck for all of us!!!!

  34. Gina
    what a beautiful salad! I have not had a salad with citrus in it for so long, I had forgotten.
    your poppy seed dressing must have been a great compliment for the salad!

  35. You're sounding a little blue, my dear. I can't imagine why! Alisha's salad does seem to be the perfect antidote to the winter blues - so light, fresh, and colorful! Love that first shot - the salad practically glows!
