
Friday, April 8, 2011

I'm a crappy blogger and I'm okay with it! Join me on the D list.

When I saw the first pleading, nominate me for "Gour-mish" magazines awards, I cringed.  So I figured before the inbox barrage and twitter assaults begin, I'd better put it out there.  I decided it was time for the world to know, I'm a crappy blogger and I'm okay with it.

Let me offer you a few of my thoughts on the subject and hopefully put things into perspective for you:

I'm not going to be strolling down that red carpet, where the judges will be eagerly awaiting me to hand over my lifetime achievement award; oops - I meant best blogger that ever walked the planet award.

Blogging is a business (shut your dirty little mouth); there it's out there, now I can go back to sleeping at night. To be considered a "Blog Star" you have to be really good at handling your business.

Why am I the one that feels rejected when the big name photo sites don't like me?  Don't they make money off my hard work; oh that's how that works.  So I suggest supporting the ones that are supporting you.   

One of them won't even send me a new password, I forgot it; the technical dumb bunny I am.  I think it's a subliminal message "Get out, you are not welcome here".  Unless you are one of those whack jobs that stays in a haunted house after you are told to get out, I can take a hint.

If you want your name to appear on every flipping page of the internet, well here is shocking news; you have to pay for it.  (No, you are a liar.)  I wanted to get my blog listed on a "Big Name Search Engine", if I offered to pay they would consider me faster, not include me, consider me faster mind you.  Look this isn't my day job and I still have to make sure we have food to eat, so I declined to acquiesce to their request.  

What does SEO mean anyways, Something Everyone Offers?  I have to be a twit master with throngs of followers too you say.  Oh and make sure and move all those I don't want to be bothered with to the insignificant list.  I think I'd rather remain twit-less.  Scratch that one off my, I'm going to take over the internet list.

What do you mean my point and shoot isn't good enough, oh and on top of that you want me to buy additional lenses, lighting equipment and other gear, most of which costs more than my car. Not to mention all the processing that needs to occur afterwards.  Then I finally get a decent shot and I have to edit it over and over for other sites.  Composition, what is that anyways, maybe it's when you squat over the toilet seat so you don't actually have to sit on it and get any germs.

Are you kidding me, I can't just schlep food on a plate and grab a quick shot before the family tears into it.  Maybe you are just plain out of your mind when you suggest I get out a pair of tweezers out and arrange my herbs in a pattern before shooting.  I'm way too busy trying to remove the gum my kids put in my hair anyways.

WTH, nobody told me I had to be a computer programmer too.  Just switching sites caused me to break out in an unexplained rash.  Isn't the internet just for reading all the forwards my mom sends me anyways.

If I had mixers and other crap to give away, I might be more popular too, let's get real here, I haven't been offered so much as a chocolate bar.  I could pull the money out of my pocket, but if I have to buy friends, are they really the friends I want to have.

I love when I read a Blog Star's post that is littered with the names of their Blog Star friends; it's almost as if on cue.  Do you think they plan it that way or something?  Here is a novel idea, spread yourself out there a little and make some new friends.  I wonder what it feels like to be that awesome.  Please don't worry about me; I have no need to feel that awesome, I'm just over the moon excited when I don't have to remove my husband's dirty socks from the spot he left them in the night before.

Yet, I sometimes find myself wondering, "What's wrong with me anyways, do I have body odor"? You would tell me if that was the case, wouldn't you!  Just keeping telling yourself, keep your chin up Buttercup, it could be much worse.  I have too many others things in my life that are so good, worrying about being popular is just plain silly, high school was in the past and I plan on leaving it there.

Had I known all the job requirements, I may have thought twice.  I'm more the type to do things and worry about it later, I have the scars to prove it.  For example, when you jump out of a tree, chances are slim you will land on your feet, it's much more likely that you will grab branches grasping for dear life screaming, "Jesus please help me", on the way down.  Those said branches will also take a piece of your arm for a souvenir.

Of course we all want a little appreciation, blogging is hard work.   The blogs I admire the most are the ones where their passion really shines through, not how great of a site they can afford to build.  To those whom need that little boost, I just want to say you are doing a great job and keep up the good work.

I'm a simpleton for the most part, who just really loves cooking and feeding others.  I might not be able to afford "Manolos and Butter" from writing this blog, but I think I made enough last month to get a sugar high off of a couple of Snickers bars.  You can go thank Salty Seattle for the "Manolos and Butter" quote, but I warn you bring hand sanitizer, you will walk away thinking, Lord I hope I didn't touch anything.

If you do things just like everyone else to be successful, well then aren't you everyone else?  And yes I am keeping my rose colored glasses on, thank you very much.

I had a small break down over whether to continue blogging recently.  I couldn't really figure out a reason why I was writing it in the first place.  That is when you have to dig the deepest and grab hold of a little perspective.  I'm going to work harder to provide content; I think people would love to have.  So even if I'm never awarded anything, I'll be proud of the work I have done here.

What I'm hoping you walk away with from this post is a knowledge that I think you are awesome, even if the powers that be don't say so.  Please quit beating yourself up over not being on the A list, life on the D list isn't so bad.  When I go visit you and leave a compliment, it's because I've enjoyed what I've seen, it shouldn't be any other way.

If you would still like my vote on top of all the rocking advice I just gave you, just ask. I'd be happy to vote for you, I'm cool like that.  Maybe I should add a caveat, the first couple of requests are a reminder, the 100th means I'm pissed and you are probably getting deleted.

P.S.  If you want to join me on the D list, please leave a comment with your url and I'll be sure and add you to this post.

Long live the D listers!



  1. I have to say I appreciated this post..I've been guilty of wondering why my posts haven't gotten as many comments or why I'm not contacted to offer fabulous giveaways but when I really started thinking about it it shouldn't be about that. I bake because I like to do it and if ppl get something out of my posts I love it but I work full time and when I get home at 6 after working all day i don't necessarily want to spend hours on the comp. What I'm trying to say is I appreciate you and love your posts :)

  2. I do know how you feel...there are only a few at the top...then everyone else...I also nearly totally gave up on blogging recently...just getting back into the swing of it. I've had some really good giveaways but mostly the stuff was given to me...don't think I'll ever make it to the A...and I'm not too worried about it.

  3. I am happy with the little corner of the blogosphere I have carved out for myself. I have never been one to win any popularity contests, so I am content to join you. What you said is only too true.

  4. I think you are GREAT food blogger are too funny! I love you venting shesh...reminds me of how I feel sometimes ;-)

  5. Evan, You are awesome and one day i hope to go visit your bakery.

  6. Bo, Kristen, Raven welcome to the list you are all awesome and I'm glad to have met you.

  7. Gina, you have given us a most truthful and fun way to view the world of blogging! Thank you for sharing your wicked sense of humor...that's a good thing....and your incredible recipes, that's an even better thing...but most of all your friendship, yes oh yes that's the best thing! Be it the D list or the Z list if you are there I'm proud to be blogging right beside you!

  8. Welcome to the list KC, it is my privilege to say I know you. Not only has she met Paula Deen and been on t.v., but she was also an amazing hostess on RWOP.

  9. My "raison d'ĂȘtre" in blogging...what I enjoy calling "My culinary journey" had a very specific goal in mind. One, was to distract me from my regular life and work...the other was to share what I love most...creating, developing and sharing the recipes I find worthy to make public.

    Gina, you are refreshing and I really hope that your post does get read because most bloggers are living in LaLaLand. Yes, if one can make a few dollars here and there as a symbol of gratitude for all the time we spend putting together posts...more power to us.

    Although, I truly believe that not everything has to be about money or popularity. Do what you're good at and good things will come eventually ;o)

    Thanks for introducing yourself this past week...much appreciated. Btw...I took a quick look around your blog...I'll be back for sure ;o)

    Ciao for now,

  10. Claudia it was so great meeting you too, I can't wait to go revisit your blog for more recipes.

  11. Gina~ I feel exactly as you do, and you took the words right out of my mouth. I'm glad that someone said those words. I got a new point and shoot camera, which I love, but is it good enough? It is for me.
    I love your blog, and your friendship, and to me that's why I blog. Add me to your D list!

  12. Your words speak the truth.
    I was wondering and talking the other day about all these bloggers that hold giveaways on a regular basis and the only conclusion I got was: this is their life. All they do is blog, tweet and facebook 24/7. I don't have that much time on my hand. I have a LIFE and a family to feed/clean.
    I don't earn a penny from by blog, I do it because I love sharing what I learned from others and leave something behind hopefully for my daughter to be proud.
    You're a great blogger Gina, I love reading you as often as time allows. Your posts always bring a smile on my face. Keep up the good work my friend.

  13. Cooking & baking for my family & friends gives me tremendous satisfaction. I started my blog (about 6 weeks ago!), so I could be a part of a community that shares the same excitement I get when I cook. After reading your article, I realize that in this very short time, I have become obsessed with site traffic, comments, followers & declined photos! Thank you for reminding me why I am here!

    I guess most of us start off for similar reasons, but some get famous along the way. Money, fame & popularity ar not bad things, as long as our heart's in the right place! :) I am not a D lister yet & I don't know if I'll ever make it there. But I'll keep cooking & writin here in my Z list world! Thank you for your honest writing, Gina! :)

  14. I'm with ya, Gina, but you are so far from a crappy blogger. I work pretty darn hard on my blog, but ONLY because I enjoy it. When I am not feeling the love, I walk away - because I have way too many other things to do to worry about it.

    Beyond pretty pictures and being accepted on all the foodporn sites, you have to have good content. By which I mean, tasty recipes. And if that's what makes a good foodblogger, than you, my dear, are a shining star! All the pretty pics in the world aren't going to keep me coming back to a blog if the recipes are ho-hum!

  15. All of you are A listers in my book. Marsha keep up the good work, you are off to a great start.

    Thank you Carolyn, you've made my day, you are a star too.

  16. You are NOT a crappy blogger!!!

    We work hard on our blogs but still enjoy them. I'm a hobby blogger and I'm okay with that. I like it that way. WHen I get rejected by all those sites I think about all of my bloggy friends who liked my post - or even took the time to make one of MY recipes. How flattering. I think blogging can be about what you want it to be about and for me it's about fun and community. {hugs} to you!! ♥- Katrina

  17. Gina, I think everyone who has a food blog has felt like you at some point. I think the key is to identify what is fun about doing the blog. For me, I love trying new things and "meeting" other great bloggers like yourself. Would it be wonderful to be adored by thousands? Of course. Is that realistic? Probably not. Enjoy the journey, and please keep your great posts coming.

  18. Well you have been a favorite of mine since I met you and I agree with Carolyn completely. I am sorry that you were feeling down about your blogging, and I for one love every post!

  19. I've only been food blogging for a few months and already I completely get what you're talking about. I see other blogs that get 150+ comments on every single post, while my humble little blog is lucky to get 15 views in one day if I've posted something new and a rare comment if I'm lucky. But, as everyone here has mentioned, the rest of us have lives outside of our blogs. I'm going to college full-time, working part-time, planning a wedding, and just generally trying to survive life. Sure, I'd love to post more and do a bit more work to get more love on my blog, but I don't have time! And, as many of you have said, that's not the point anyway. I started blogging because I love to cook and I love to share. And if I never have a post make it to FoodBuzz's Top 9 and if I never get a giveaway offer, I'm really okay with it. So more power to you, girl. Let's raise a glass for all we crappy bloggers. :)

  20. Hey Gina, the blog awards are reminding me of the food buzz blogger of the year award which became a tad overwhelming with all the messages everywhere to vote, vote, vote. I guess it's just human nature to be in the competition. I think it's more than okay to chart your own course, do the creative stuff in your personal style that makes you feel satisfied and leave the rest behind. You have a wonderful blog going here Gina and While I understand your sentiments, I wouldn't categorize the non-competitors as 'D' listers;-)

  21. Hi Patty,
    I understand your comment and I think we are all A listers. The humor is sarcasm and I'm saying it's okay to not be on top all the time. You shouldn't let others define success for you. Hope you have a great weekend.

  22. I'm another one just happy to have my own little slice of cyberspace to share my recipes with other food photography isn't the best, and I use a little Panasonic point-and-shoot. I do get offered giveaways, and I have fun with them. My blog is never going to be's just one of the things in my life. I also work full time and have a home to take care of. Blogging is one of the fun things in my life, but it's not the only one. I started it for fun...and the day it's no longer fun is the day I stop doing it. BTW...I really enjoy your blog. So...I'll happily join you on your D List, babe!

  23. Gina,
    I love this post!!! I laughed my behind off ;-).

    in my book you are on the A-list!

  24. Gina

    you will always be on my A list, and you certainly are not a crappy blogger! Please put me on any list your on and I'll be proud to be there with you!


  25. Uh, look at all these comments and you will see you are not alone!! I'm okay with the D-list too! :)
    I want folks to appreciate what I'm offering and if that means it's only my friends and family, well, I'm okay with that!
    All my pics are taken on my kitchen table that we actually eat on. If the lighting isn't good that day comin thru the window then my pics are pretty gloomy too. Oh well, I do the best I can. I can only rely on mother nature.
    I love your blog - keep on keepin it real girlfriend!

  26. Phew! That was a world class rant! In a good way :) I think your blog is brilliant and whether or not you are featured on snooty photos sites or land in the Top 9 every day at foodbuzz is unimportant to me. Just keep being awesome!

  27. Love this post, Gina! I too could care less if I get any blog awards. I don't make any claims to be a fantastic cook. You won't see anything fancy or pretentious on my blog either. I'm just a Mom putting food on the table. My friends and family think my food is awesome so I started this blog so I could easily share what I'm making with them. If other people like it and I make a few friends along the way then that's a bonus! I'd proudly be on your D list! <3

  28. Awesome Gina! This is great!! And you know it really is a job for those big name bloggers. The lady who does Carrots N Cake talks about that all the time. She posts almost three times a day! Yish! I'm lucky if I post more than twice a week. She showed a picture of her desk in one blog and it was littered with possible ideas. Kudos to you! Your blog is great!

  29. Gina I love you! You are hilarious and such a wise woman. It does all seem to start feeling like high school. I'm not swayed by awards or popularity. It's passion, substance and the character I care about. Don't you love those vote for me spam from people who never hear from other than when they want your vote?
    It's sad that some bloggers start off true, genuine and passionate about blogging. Then they get all caught up in the whole popularity thing and start sucking. You my friend are no D list, you're an A+ and a wonderful blogger. My awards are getting to meet great people such as yourself.

  30. You are wonderful, Gina! I love this post and I love your blog. Your recipes are real, and your photographs are very inviting.

    I'd be proud to be on the same list as you!

  31. When I started blogging - I was astonished that people did it for money and fame. I mean - isn't that what reality TV is for? When I think of the connections I've made through blogging - I am so content. And it took time. Careful time of going through blogs and finding who I sincerely appreciated - who I cooked from - and whose posts I anticipated with delight. I do not always have time to comment but I try to comment - from the heart. Having truly read the blog. In the end - you can go for the $$$ and I don't blame you - or you can find your niche, new friends and allow worlds to open up. Just think, we discuss food together - from all over the world - wow - that's enough for me!

  32. Great advice Claudia, you are one of the wise women I admire. Thanks friends and just remember being on the list is completely optional. If you are going for the A list, I say go for it.

  33. I had a blogger breakdown, too, and had to remember why I do it. Certainly not to make money or get famous. I've been your fan since I joined FoodBuzz and really enjoy your blog. I don't often have time to comment, but I always read your posts and buzz.

  34. Amen, Gina! You know I have been questioning whether I should continue to blog or not for a few months (we were talking about that towards the end of last year). I came to terms with the fact that I will never be a star and that...ehm....I have life! So, yeah, long live to list D! If that's because I have a life, I'm so happy to be part of it.

  35. You are hysterical. I felt like I was reading a paid magazine article. Wow if you're a d lister, I'm lower than pond scum...what letter would that be?

  36. I'm new at blogging and just haven't experienced the blogging-craziness as you describe. I'll just keep blogging cuz I want to share with a few friends and win a few blogging recipe contests. I have no goals other than to point and shoot with a camera that is falling apart and to write a lil whenever. I LoVed your wit, humor, truth and persecutive! Thanks for being real.

  37. Smile. What I loved about this post was your refreshing honesty...and then the comments that followed. We are all in the same boat!

    I have a point and shoot camera, I don't pay a cent for my website, and I get turned down from the big photo sharing sites ALL THE TIME.

    But I love the people that I've being one of the dearest...and that is what keeps me going.

    Thank you for sharing your heart, your food, and your kindness with me, week after week. You are a winner in my eyes!

  38. I love the D list! Happy to be here with my own blog and my blogger friends, like you, Gina! I have a Kodak point and shoot camera. I blog at my dining room table. I never get photos accepted at those 'fancy' sites, in fact I have stopped trying. I blog when I feel like it because I also work full time out of the house. I have totally enjoyed meeting real, nice, regular people through my blog. Keep up the great work and thanks for this great post!

  39. Don't you dare go away! Loved this post (no one likes my photos, either!!!) and LOVE you, Gina!!!

  40. Amen sister! After almost a year of blogging there have definitely been many highs and lows, and several times I have thought about giving it up. What always brings me back is remembering how much I love baking and sharing my recipes with everyone. I have really tried not to put too much emphasis on having my photos declined or not getting a lot of comments or traffic. I've found the less I focus on those things, the more I am able to enjoy the rest of the process. I too find it very difficult to balance a full time job, husband, house, dogs, and other hobbies.
    I'm so glad to know that there are many of us in the same boat. Thanks for a wonderful post!

  41. Robbyn my darling you are in no way pond scum. Hi Merry so glad you started blogging, can't wait to read you.

  42. Holy Shit, this is what I call a rant. Love it. I've been blogging for a minute but have already realized most of it is a game. What comments? Play the comment game. Want followers? Just follow 1000's of people that you could care less bout in the hopes they will follow you.

    How about buy the most expensive camera to get on Pretencious Buzz's Top whatever, or submit to tastegrawking or whatever site. Look at most of these people's food, they could not cook their way out of a paperbag. Memo to you assholes, the expensive camera does not make up for your shitty food.

    My advise would be for you to cook your food, do your thing and forget the noise. Don't worry about being liked or on any list, JUST BE YOURSELF. Find people who share your kitchen likes, make friends and blog happy.

    I shared this on my facebook page. Great rant!

  43. I made a biggol post! Dang you blogger!!

    Lately I have been happy as a spectator. With my husband away, my children driving me batty ....err keeping me busy I just don't have time. I cook nearly every day, shizz I would blog about, but I just don't feel like it. I find watching the brain rotting Real Housewives of ATL/NYC/Joisey above writing a blog post. I started blogging to be apart of a community of people who loves food and are passionate as I knew no one who cared like I do. Way before I blogged, my husband and I would take photos of the meals I cooked and eventually we posted them to FB/myspace and then people would ask for recipes and my blogging career was born. Some times I wish I didn't read into improving my blog, because it felt too much pressure. Only recently I started sending photos to sites and only serious eats accept them. I respect serious eats so much, love the articles and the community. One other has, too, but rejected A LOT. Oh well, I don't give a damn if they reject me, I am more sad if my child says a sauce or stew I made was yucky because they saw a carrot or a sliver of an onion lol. Anyway, this post IS refreshing and a lot of people feel the same! YOU ARE NOT on the D-LIST! You're A-list in my book. Add this heffa to the d-list:

  44. Gina, I love u! If you're on the D-list, then I'm on the E-List lol! I have also been contemplating whether or not to continue blogging. You hit all the right spots on this post. I get it girl.

  45. Oh Gina, you can't stop blogging! You were one of the first blogs I read when I started blogging, and if you don't blog I won't get to feel like I'm sitting across the table with you chatting about what delicious treat or meal you have given us today. You are an A plus lister in my book!
    I think it was Katrina who said it well above, I'm a hobby blogger. At the beginning I think I wanted more, and when I was frequently rejected by the foodporn sites (still am...) it really bothered me. I started trying to take photos with " them" in mind. But I didn't really like my new photos. Now I'm doing it for me. I'm cooking what appeals to me instead of what holiday or season is coming up. And I'm happier!
    We are right now in the car heading home from Yosimite and I haven't blogged or commented in a week. A few months ago I would have worried that I needed to get on the computer and add content and comments, however I've had a week off and am refreshed and eager to return to my blog world. I missed you guys!
    I'll be honored to join your list!! XOXO!

  46. Larazo is right, be yourself! I have been posting food for my friends and family and a few began following me, the sincere blogs still follow you, but I do understand wanting to stop...there are many who do make it a popularity contest...not me, I am a retired cook who just wanted to document my own food this post!

  47. First time when I came to your blog I was blown away by your content, your beautiful photos and amazing recipe!
    It is sad when people loose them self in this blogging world, and you can see right away that it is not the same..on the other hand you my friend, you are VIP class and you will always be on a A list. We all love and enjoy your kind comments and your blog!!!
    So thank you for being you and please do continue!!!!

  48. I love this post!Blogging has become like high school cliques. I think you have a wonderful blog jam packed with great recipes, info and photos. I will be back and hope you continue to visit me!!!

  49. Love it, Gina!! You're totally right. The big name bloggers who make lots of money spend hours and hours on their blogs. They cultivate an image. You're my favorite kind of blogger because you're real. You say it like it is. I love reading your posts and I love being friends with you!!

  50. As far as I'm concerned, the D-List is where it's at! We may be the nerds eating in the back of the cafeteria, but at least we're together. Let's go play D&D in my mom's basement, guys!

  51. Oh how I love, love, love this post. Personally I would never consider you a D-lister, but I totally get where you are coming from. I feel like most of the time I am just muddling my way through, hoping to high heavens that my crappy photos don't drive people away in drives. I have had numerous photos rejected that now I just don't bother with most of them any more. I would be proud to be on the list with you.

  52. Gina, I feel your passion in this post. Just to let you know that I'll join you on the D list anytime! D for Ms. Dynamite ;-). Aaah... who really cares about rocking the world anyway? You and I can both say, 'Been there, done that!'. Now we are just doing things that make us truly happy, and will write about it no matter who are around to notice. You got that, sista?

  53. Gina, so many commenters have said it well before me, but I love coming here because you are yourself! I never once thought you are a D-Lister unless you mean you are "damn funny". This is a great post and I think many of us feel the same way, only difference is you had the nerve to write it down. I started my blog for my kids. They were the once that encouraged me to write down many of my recipes and are the main reason why I keep going. Of course it is hard not to get caught up in all the hype with the foodporn sites, but many times when I receive rejection from them, I end up getting the most comments. Go figure. I cook and blog for my family and I enjoy the people I have met along the way, if that means I'm not the "popular" clique so be it. I hope you'll continue to blog, I thoroughly enjoy coming here to visit :o)

  54. This was one of the most refreshing posts I've read in a good while! Class A rant that rings true from the first syllable! Haha! You go, girl! Stick around, though. The blogging world needs a good, honest comeuppance every now and then! Now, back to that cooking and baking thing ...

  55. Gina-I have always enjoyed your blog since day one, and you were one of the first whom I have met, and for nearly a year now, kept in touch with, hardly ever missing a post.
    Please don't even consider giving up.

    You contribute so much to the food blogging community, and are there for all of us. Your dishes and desserts are always are wonderful, and your photos of them are worthy to be in any "food porn" site. I don't know how they determine which photos are worthy to be accepted, because I honestly have not tried to join any of them. Personally, I feel a sense of pride with my foods and photos of them, and I don't want, or have to be compared to anyone.

    I'm not striving to get noticed by any of those sites. They should come to me, and I shouldn't have to be asked to get accepted, unless there's something in it for me.

    Gina, don't torture yourself over something so trivial, you came a long way, as we all have, and I appreciate your hard work, your honesty, and your own creativity. That is what really counts, and just look at all the friends you've made along the way. I love you, for who you are, and you will always be on the A list for me.

    I will not join you on the D list, and you certainly do not belong on there...cheer up, there's always a "reason" for everything, and it's good to let your feelings out. Others can share with you, but don't waste any precious time on these matters, just do what makes you happy, and do your best that makes others happy, as well. You have a lot to offer, so be proud of that!

  56. I absolutely adore this post. I feel like this quite often when I am blogging. I must admit, I'm not the busiest, but I probably have the least artistic eye when it comes to photos... But, I love to blog because I love to cook. Now, if I could just love to frame my pictures so they looked as good as they tasted...

  57. Gina -- If you're on the D List, I'm on the F List, hahaha, so put me on the D List for a step up :)

    Shelly, Nibbles of Tidbits

  58. Lol, Gina! You rock - I came over here to see if now that you're the cookie queen whether I could find a meatball recipe because I knew if anyone had a great traditional recipe it would be you! And the fact that I am one of your biggest fans (since way back in blogosphere time) and am 4 days late commenting on your post - should be proof that you can add me and my P&S to the D list! Luv ya :) Send me your family meatball recipe, please - I know you have one.

  59. LOL! this is funny and so true, you gotta spend time, money and some begging to get attention for this food blogging and for most other jobs for that matter

  60. Hi Gina,

    I think you have a great blog. And you certainly are not a crappy blogger! Please put me on any list your on and I'll be happy to be there with you.


  61. I wish I could walk through your door and hug you. What a fantastic work of prose. If by saying you'll provide "content," you mean continuing to write like that; by all means. The blogs I follow are the ones that are written well. I guess it's what comes out of being an English major. :)

    "...declined to acquiesce to their request..." You Pirates fan, you. :)

    Don't you dare stop writing. I WILL come find you if you do.

    another D-listed, point-and-shoot, foodgawker-hates-me blogger

  62. Hi Gina- I want to say a big grazie for this super honest and super funny post! I was giggling through most of it. Please don't stop blogging. You are so talented and your photos are gorgeous! I started my blog for fun and to provide food memories for my kids. Being hit with an illness so quickly made me realize what really is important. I am grateful for my blog for it is also how I met all of you wonderful food lovers that make me smile:)(PS: I've given up on FG and TS b/c don't have the time:)love you Gina!!!

  63. I love this. Thanks so much for writing such an honest post. I've been blogging for a year, and honestly never thought it would be so much work. When I feel frustrated I try to remind myself that I never thought anyone would read my posts. I really appreciate the people who do stop and read what I've written, and the few comments I get are basically my reward.

  64. Loved this post! I was struggling with some frustration too regarding the popularity contest aspect of blogging and had to take a break for awhile to regroup. Many of the things you say are things I've said before and it's nice to hear from others that feel the same.
    Keep on doing what you're doing if you're enjoying it...that's all that matters. Lots of support here!

  65. This post is hilarious! I have been somewhat of a slacker when it comes to blogging lately because life has been super busy. And I decided a long time ago that life trumped comments, followers, and all that jazz. I love the honesty in this post and I'd be proud to be on your list :)

  66. Gina, I read this post again because I couldn't remember if I commented the first time round and glad to find out that I did. Well, I'm going to comment again (5 months later) to tell you this. I can still count the awards I've been given on two fingers, I don't follow people just because they follow me, I don't really play the return-my-comment game, I've religiously stayed away from bloggers who aren't genuine and just don't 'fit' with my life values, no one sends me free products to review or give away, I don't have a single Food Porn gallery nor badge to display (even you have one here!), and I don't try to be anyone but myself and guess what? Out of that conscious effort, I've actually made FRIENDS...I mean real friends out of bloggers with the same ideals! Now I know that I've made the right choices, and as far as I'm concerned, that's what being an A-lister is all about. Even with your rants and all, YOU are a true A-lister to me, Gina! (stop being so modest about it...).

    Missing you loads and loads! Stay well.

  67. Thank you for saying what a "start-up" blogger as myself has been thinking! We shouldn't be taking this so seriously. It's just a fun way to share our love and passion of food with others!
