
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Italian Lemon Ice

School has only been out a week for us and yet it feels like it's been a month already.  Somehow my children are under the impression that I am the entertainment.  What happened to the good ole days when children just magically appeared home just in time for dinner?  Mine are constantly underfoot, I don't mind but it sure does create havoc with the schedule.  

I figured a great way to keep the girls busy was to have them cook some stuff.  They got out a couple of old cookbooks and went to work.  My younger daughter made Italian Lemon Ice; she styled them herself and even told me the recipe was hers since she changed it from mine.

Italian Lemon Ice
3 1/2 cups water
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup lemon juice
2 tbsp. lemon zest

Boil the water, stir in the sugar until dissolved, add lemon juice and zest and freeze in a bowl.  Remove from freezer after 2-3 hours and scrape with a fork until fluffy, fill lemons and refreeze until ready to serve.

She used 4 lemons, because that was all I had on hand.  The recipe makes quite a bit and you could easily fill up eight.  

The old recipe called for using a spoon to hollow out the lemons.  My daughter said, "Hollowing out the lemons is much easier if you use your hands".  

While I was still cleaning the cabinets and sticky floor from this creation, the girls started making an orange cake with orange pineapple curd and icing.  That cake went so fast I didn't even get a chance to photo it.

Then for dinner my younger daughter decided she wanted to shape the pizza dough, she formed it into a heart shape and then told me, "It's because it was made with love".  

She made sure and put on her favorite toppings; cheese and sauce, that's it.

I would have gotten a shot of it cooked but the girls grabbed it straight out of the oven and poof it was gone!

Also wanted to thank:  Manu - Manu's Menu for a recent blog award.

I'm supposed to tell you a few things about myself, but since you probably know everything about me except the color underwear I have on at the moment, hmmm.

Let's see, Rusty is all better now and back to his old self; see his big smile.

Teddy was extremely jealous of all the extra attention Rusty got; so here is his opportunity to shine.

I've been crazy busy but I did get a grasp finally on all the house stuff.  Leaving me a little extra time to whip up something special that I think you all will go nuts over.  

Just to make sure I wasn't bored; I've been refinishing a dresser I bought for my daughter's room.  I love going to thrift or antique stores and finding a piece with interesting details, stripping it down and giving it a new life.  Hey a girl has to have something to keep her busy when she isn't in the kitchen.

I always wanted to be a teacher.  I was in the teaching credential program when my youngest was two, but she was chronically ill and I just couldn't keep up and decided I would go back at a later date, life got in the way and that didn't happen.  Maybe now you know why I have such a soft spot for all my teacher friends.

I would tease you with a photo of my next post, but that would just be cruel.  You will just have to try my daughter's Lemon Ice in the meantime.




  1. Great stories and I love having my daughter help in the kitchen, even if I do start to get all "head chef" on her ha ha. The recipes look awesome!!

  2. Ohh I can totally relate to are at all time behind me:))) and endless "mom, mom, mommy" I feel like commercial from "family guy":))))
    Your kids did fantastic job, well apple doesn't fall far from the tree..Wonderful presentations and both delicious recipes!!!:)

  3. Love what your daughters have whipped up! Clearly they're budding chefs too :) The heart shaped pizza is absolutely adorable... and the food styling with the lemon ice is impeccable! :) Cannot wait to see your next post! It sounds like it's going to be awesome. It would be cruel to make us wait too long :) Lovely post, Gina!

  4. Hey Gina..I'm totally speechless at your lemon ice! Love the color and presentation :)
    In fact this is a lovely post, I love everything in it ;D

  5. Thanks everyone. Sandra, I love that commercial.

  6. Really adorable dog! I love how you keep the kids busy while honing their cooking skills!

  7. How clever to present the lemon ice in hallowed lemons! It looks very pretty.

  8. The lemon ice looks so pretty in the lemons. It would be great for a party. I love that your daughter shaped the pizza like a heart - so cute!

  9. Wow Gina, wish I had a daughter like yours! You must feel really proud :) I love those lemons, they're gorgeous! Have a great week and enjoy your time with your children, these days it's so rare to have time for family!

  10. Gina, you lead a jam-packed life and seem to have a great time doing it. I love your lemon ice recipe and heart shaped pizza. This is my first visit here but I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  11. Sounds like you had some fun in the kitchen with your daughters! Both of those creations look delicious. oh- Be sure to post a picture of your daughters dresser when it is done-I want to see it!

  12. I'm sure there are lots of good aromas for Rusty and Teddy in your lovely kitchen! Lucky dogs! I didn't know you had doxie's, so now I love you even more (my little spoiled girl is a black & tan doxie who stays very close in the kitchen just in case I need her help).

    The pizza is adorable and the lemons are gorgeous! Your daughters are so talented...just like mom!

  13. First off, because I'm blessed with my dog-child, 'Sushi' who is always underfoot waiting for a crumb to fall...I was thrilled to read that your 'Rusty' is doing so much better ;o)

    Now, how charmingly these foodies of yours took their task to heart and did a wonderful must be so proud. Gina, I get the feeling they must be a real joyful handful too. LOL

    Ciao for now and flavourful wishes,

  14. So nice that your daughters are doing some cooking. It is tough sometimes when everyone's home and expects you to cook up a storm because everyone's home. Can't wait to see YOUR post.

  15. I wanted to be a teacher too! But judas said there was no money in teaching so I became an accountant. Do you have any idea how boring accounting is??? I hated it.
    I don't hate anything about this Lemon ice though! And the heart pizza is a work of art. Keep it up girls!
    Btw... It took Live about two and a half hours on Friday to say she was bored!

  16. Oh I could never be a teacher, I don't have the patience! The lemon ice is just too cute!! The heart pizza is just awesome, how on earth did you even manage that?! Your pizza dough must love you.

  17. At least you have found a way to keep your kids busy! This is our 3rd week on break, and I am going to go crazy! I love my son, but really I am not your sole form of entertainment! The lemon ice looks great, and I love the heart shaped pizza!

  18. I need some of this citrusy good ice! Such a pretty presentation too, Gina! Pinning to make one weekend soon...

  19. I don't think anything beats seeing a child's hand working with food. I could look at that picture of her patting out the heart-shaped pie dough for hours. Made with love. That's perfect. What a keeper.

  20. mmm...lemon ice..delish with pretty presentation. I am not surprised that heartshaped pizza was gone before you could have taken a shot.

  21. WOW that looks soooo pretty! Beautiful presentation, Gina... I'm wishing that I could just reach over and eat it up!

  22. Hi Gina! Your daughter is funny about insisting it's her recipe. So cute! Both girls did such a wonderful job. I'm a mom already but I never made lemon ice or pizza from scratch! You should be really proud of yourself! Gina the entertainer. Haha. My kids always ask me "mama what's next?" "What do we do next?" me crazy but I'll feel so lonely if they are gone. By the way, we went to Brentwood for cherry picking yesterday and I thought of you. :-)

  23. Gina your girls are so creative and I can see they are as talented as their mom in the kitchen. Tell your girls I love the lemon ice styling and the heart shaped pizza. I can't wait to make the ice for my hubby, we both are going to love it. Congrats on your awards. Glad to hear Rusty and Teddy are doing well. Have a great week you busy bee:)

  24. Gina- you are pretty entertaining;-) I remember those days after school gets out, nice to have no schedule and time with the kids but your life definitely runs at a different pace. I like that everyone is keeping busy in the kitchen, the pink ribbons on the lemons are striking and pretty. I also like the heart shaped pizza, I think that's the first time I've seen a pizza shaped so lovingly;-)

  25. I love this post! Nothing better than being in the kitchen with your kids! The Italian Ices look adorable!

  26. What lovely treats. I adore the heart shaped pizza. :)

  27. Yes, its great having them home, but.... My girl has been home only a few days - she needs to start baking soon :) Haha I always freak out at the mess when I'm not the one cooking! Love the vibrant colors and styling of the Italian ice ,and the heart-shaped pizza is so cute!

  28. What a fantastic post Gina! How I used to spend timein the kitchen with my boys. those lemons, that pizza are so so creative. Enjoy; you are doing it right!

  29. Your daughters are little prodigy chefs! Great food that looks fantastic :) And I can't WAIT to see your next post, you big tease! Buzzed

  30. I think you are brilliant to have your girls cooking. That lemon ice sounds perfect for a hot day like today.

  31. I love it when the kids are in kitchen helping. That lemon ice sounds perfect for a hot day. Pizza looks good too. Great photos!

  32. What a fun post! Love the heart shaped pizza. Lemon ice would be perfect for the bit of warm up that we are having right now. Delish!!!

  33. Italian Lemon Ice is perfect for me, This is suitable for tropical climates like my country. Thanks for sahre


  34. I love lemon ice and the picture at the top is amazing!

  35. It does seem like summer has made everything even more insane...I am nut sure I will ever catch up.
    Your daughters Italian ice looks wonderful and love the way she presented it. Plus the pizza is just too lovely :)

  36. Your daughters seem like great hands in the kitchen, and no wonder with a super duper chef mom like you, Gina! I would've loved to see that orange cake, but so glad I got to see the other two creations. The heart pizza is just.... heartwarming ;-).
