
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Nutella and Apricot Streusel Sweet Rolls

I've been having a hard time getting the girls out of bed these days; so a couple of weekends ago I made them a huge pan of cinnamon rolls that got them up quicker than I don't know what. There is just something about the smell of baked goods in the morning.  Maybe instead of those white noise machines, alarms should come with baked goods smells; I'm on to something here - right!

I got a second request for the cinnamon rolls a couple of days later; instead I thought I'd change them up a bit.  I had my daughter's friend Megan over and could you believe she had never had Nutella; I had to fix that.  Upon scouring my pantry, I found these dried apricots begging to be used.  I think you can see where I am going with this.

2 cups milk (I used 1%, but use what you have on hand)
2 1/4 tsp. active dry yeast
4 1/2 - 5 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/2 cup vegetable oil

Heat the milk in the microwave on High power for 2 minutes until the temperature reaches 110 degrees F.  If you overheat it, just leave it on the counter to cool for a few minutes.  Add the yeast to the top of the milk, let sit for 5-10 minutes until foamy.

I just guessed at the two minutes and looky there, yeah I'm that good lucky!

Add the 4 1/2 cups flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt and vegetable oil to a mixer with a dough hook.  Mix on low speed until the dough starts coming together.  If the dough is still very wet, add the other 1/2 cup flour, till the dough is starting to have a little better shape.  Knead for 2 to 3 minutes on low speed, cover bowl with plastic wrap and set aside for 1 hour.

You can do the dough by hand, just knead the dough for a few minutes on a flour covered board and place it back into a bowl that has been oiled.

Apricot Streusel & Nutella Filling
8 ozs. dried apricots
1/2 cup oats - old fashioned
1/2 cup light brown sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 cup Nutella
2 tbsp. heavy cream

Add apricots, oats, brown sugar and cinnamon to a food processor and pulse until the apricots are broken down into small pieces.  Set aside.  You could also add some nuts here and it would be good, the girls said, "No" to the nuts, but I think I would have liked them in there.

Add the Nutella and heavy cream to a small saucepan and heat on low.  Stir until creamy and pourable.  Add a little extra cream if needed.

Place risen dough onto large floured surface.  I like to cover my counter with freezer paper and use it to roll out large dough, it makes clean up a snap.

Roll the dough out into a large rectangle about 1/2" thick, I didn't measure it, but it was about 24" by 16".  With the widest part of the dough facing you.

On top of the dough sprinkle the apricot streusel and drizzle with the melted Nutella, leaving 1/2" around the edges empty.  Roll the dough starting with the longer side, which should be facing you.  Make sure and roll the dough as tightly as possible.  When you get to the end, pinch the seam.

Be sure and lick the pot clean of any extra Nutella.  Come on, who wants to wash extra pots anyways.

Cut the roll into 1/2" to 1" slices and place into a greased casserole dish 13" x 9", may need two dishes depending how small you slice the rolls.  I place the rolls leaving a 1/2" gap or so between them.  Cover the pan with plastic wrap.

I also like to add a sheet of parchment to the bottom of my pan; it ensures easy removal of the rolls.

Rise in the pan for 30 minutes, remove plastic wrap prior to baking.  Bake in 400 degree F oven for 15-18 minutes, until golden brown.

When these were hot out of the oven, the girls just put a knife full of Nutella on the top for icing.  A powdered sugar icing would work well too.  I did both, because I'm wrong like that.

Breakfast anyone?




  1. This looks so good Gina...truly mouthwatering! I think that my kids will jump up from bed as soon as this is out of the oven..Yummy!

  2. You are good Gina; my drand daughter Michelle would have been in Nutella heaven; saving this one.

  3. Oh my lord, do I ever need one of those sweet rolls. Going to pin this when I get home and make them one lazy that I've conquered my fear of yeast :)!

  4. I love Nutella! We always had it laying around when I was a kid. One day, my mom got sick and my older brother made lunch for us. What did he make? A peanut butter and nutella sandwich. I thought I had died and gone to Heaven! Those sweet rolls look delish!!! Maybe I'll return the favor and whip up a batch of these for my bro :)

  5. Holy Deliciousness! I'm a Nutella fan -- grew up with it -- and this is incredible. Great idea!

  6. Such lucky girls to have a mom baking such deliciousness for them, who wouldn't get out of bed for a bite of one of these babies;-) I'm loving the Nutella and apricot together here, a little genius at work here;-)

  7. I would get out of bed for these bad boys any morning! Mind coming to our house and making these soon?? :)

  8. Now this is the real baking! Looks so delicious... Nutella and apricot - what a yummy combination. It looks hard to make, but you did it so easily (at least to me...)! ;-)

  9. Oh my heavens, these look amazing, Gina! Great photos too!

  10. Oh, gosh, these look scrumptious, Gina! The smell of these baking would certainly get me into the kitchen lickety split....mmmmmm.

  11. Baked goods as an alarm sounds like an excellent idea!
    These rolls look and sound amazing .. plus they have the added bonus of Nutella. How can you go wrong?

  12. Nice twist on the rolls-apricots and nutella-yum! I wish I was there to taste them. Yes-someone needs to make an alarm clock that wakes you up with bakery smells. How good would that be? Great post.

  13. Nutella with apricots? Can I come over for a sleep-over?

    Personally, I think all alarm clocks are pure evil. Just my opinion.

  14. wow those nutella rolls look heavenly! I think I would love a 2nd breakfast!

  15. I have never made my own cinnamon rolls but the Nutella in these makes me realize I need to mend my ways very soon.

  16. Oh my goodnes!!! These rolls are over the top. Especially with the Nutella. Great pics. My Granddaughter doesn't like Nutella, though:( What is wrong with her?

  17. Wow... I'm really angry that I don't have one of these breakfast right now =) I'll have to remember that this weekend!

  18. Wow, you made that for breakfast. It looks so fluffy and gooey. I would love to eat that all day, Gina.

  19. Never had Nutella?!! Oh that is just a sin, I am so glad that you brought her over to the dark side, hehe. Those look incredible Gina!

  20. Oh I love this idea! And I was going to settle for my english muffin with Nutella this morning :( I really need to check blog earlier in the morning!

  21. You are absolutely killing me over here. Why is this not on my breakfast plate?? Happy to see you have introduced the wonders of Nutella to a few more victims. My husband would die over these. While he's not exactly a Nutella virgin, he JUST recently made a full conversion to its wonders. I'm filing this away for when I have some more time to bake :)

  22. WOW! Those would get me out of bed instantly! I would not stop eating until the pan was empty. Beautiful!

  23. this is an absolute must try! splendid!

  24. Can I just camp out at your front door so I can have these for breakfast, too? I'll even clean up after myself, promise!

  25. The sweet rolls look wonderful.

  26. Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream and I'd say we have dessert. Not just for breakfast, ya know?

  27. HI Gina
    I have been looking for a good sweet roll recipe and it looks like I found one! They look sinfully delicious and I could certainly use a few right now to tide me over till dinner...sigh
    Hope all is well in your world

  28. Holy Hazelnut Hotness! These look so delicious! Can you come wake me up in the mornings by making these fantastic sweet rolls?

  29. I can only dream that someone would wake me with this method. These look so good. Beautiful makes everything taste even better.

  30. Now that is a breakfast treat to just flip over! What a perfect combination of flavors. Enoy your weekend!!!

  31. Oh MY goodness!! You are such a good mom! Yep... this one would get my kids out of bed too. I love it when the smell of something brings them sort of bleary eyed into the kitchen!

  32. Oh my! That looks absolutely fantastic! Gina - is that short for genius? :) LOL... Love the flavors, the bread looks like it has amazing texture and the nutella 'icing' seals the deal! Thanks for sharing this. Bookmarking it... Yummy!

  33. OMG I'm drooling right now!!! These sweet rolls look amazing especially with that Nutella dripped over the top. Yum!

  34. These would get me out of bed at any hour! They look amazing! I've never made a roll with Nutella before and now I can hardly wait to!

  35. I looove your recipe! Actually i loove everything you make! I am a fan of yours!

  36. Oh yum!!! These look fabulous! I love dried apricots, nutella and cinnamon rolls, so this is a match made in heaven for me! :)

  37. Gina, I have a hard time waking up too lately. Maybe if you bring me one of these rolls...

  38. The rolls are gorgeous, with nutella on top, well that's just decadent!

  39. Oh wow! I don't suppose you would want to adopt me into the family? :) These are so fantastic!
    I hope you and your family are having a wonderful Fathers Day weekend...and sorry I got so far behind

  40. Hi Gina-Hope you all had a wonderful Father's Day celebration. I keep forgetting to click over to comment on your fabulous and so tempting sweet rolls. Just about the same method as my garlic rolls, but of course with the amazing sweetness from the Nutella.
    This is one recipe that I must try...oh, so dreamy and yummy deliciousness!
    BTW-I do have an award for you to claim on my blog, just pop over...actually it's two awards. Take one, or deserve it, and then some.

  41. Wow. Those are simply amazing looking rolls. I think you are my new hero.

  42. Looks wonderful! Mouthwatering! Nutella rocks!

  43. Nutella sweet rolls sound sooo delicious! I bet these were a great introduction to the wonders of Nutella for your daughter's friend. These look amazing!

  44. Yum these look absolutely delicious! Nutella and apricot is an interesting combo - I bet they tasted great!

  45. You are a naughty woman and one after my own heart=D Nutella Apricot Streusel Sweet Rolls....clearly you are a genius! You've won yourself your newest fan and follower! BTW, I've read your other posts and I can't contain myself=) I'll get back to you on those...

  46. Thanks everyone, I appreciate all your sweet comments.

  47. Haha, Gina...I have this funny vision of you licking that pot of Nutella clean and fear I shall do the same soon! These nutella rolls are pure evil, but also a necessary evil at times. Especially in the mornings! Hey, I also like your idea to have an alarm clock send out your favorite food smell as a wake up call. Better have that idea patented quick...once the first clock is out, I'm getting me one!

  48. Hello! I guess you could say I was in the neighborhood and I though I would stop by. By that I mean, I found your blog my seeing a post you wrote on another blog.

    By the way, Nutella sweet rolls is a brilliant idea!

  49. Great idea! I could certainly go for some of those for breakfast right about now!
