
Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Queen will be sitting on her "Throne" for a while - please no tears friends

Not that throne, let's get our minds out of the twa-let for a moment.  The Queen is tired and ready for a little vacation so she will be sitting her royal rear-end in a glammed up throne a.k.a. lawn chair.  Don't be jealous because I'm getting to go on this glamorous vacation called camping.

I know exactly what you are thinking, "Damn girl you must be a blogging baller to afford such a swanky va-kay".  Matter of fact I've made so much blogging, I was able to upgrade our site from the one that had the dumpster on it with the bear proof lid to one only a mile away from the lake.

Actually instead of the blog the girls and me were thinking about starting up another business; dog coats.  Mr. Rusty is sporting the Marine Biologist look according to my daughters.  What do you guys think?

Please don't shed any tears for me, it's always been a secret fantasy of mine to go without a shower for so long that a swarm of flies form a regal crown around my head; why on earth would anyone rather be wading their toes in the Italian Riviera, not me.

It's been a life-long dream to sleep in a bedroom that is co-habited by bears and every insect known to man.  I can just imagine how drafty and unbearable it would be to sleep in an Irish castle with a turreted bedroom and servants.

Besides who would want the hot Brazilian butler bringing them breakfast in bed when you could wake up and enjoy your cold breakfast that the raccoons wouldn't even touch the night before.

You have never lived until you've experienced the unforgettable aroma of an outhouse.  I'm quite sure strolling the streets of Paris and inserting my nose in the flower stands I pass on the street would pale in comparison.

Please no tears friends; I will be shedding plenty for you.

Instead I thought I would leave you with some recipes you might want to try.

I'm going to miss breakfast like this, sniff, sniff:

Or lovely lunches like this:

Dinner I'll miss you:

Desserts - How could I choose just one?

I just wanted to say thank you for your continual support of this project called a blog/therapy session.  You guys are the best and I can't wait to see what all of you have been cooking; if I ever make it out of the woods alive.



  1. While I do love strolling down a Paris street, there's something quite centering about sleeping with the bears and raccoons.

    My husband's idea of camping is a 3-star hotel. I'll never get to the woods. :)

  2. Gina - ENJOY your vacation!!! I need to plan one soon too! Have a blast and relax!

  3. it sounds like you are going to have too much fun! I haven't camping for a very long time! Thanks for leaving us with so many wonderful treats!
    Have a wonderful restful time on your vacation!

  4. Oh, Gina!! Good luck!!! I've been on that same vacation... yep... we spared no cost. We did however bring the RV (rented, of course), but the bears did try to take some of my food.
    Hope you have a wonderful time!! Take some photos for us!!
    Oh, Liv says she will take some of those Strawberry Lemonade Waffles please...

  5. idea of roughing it is a hotel without room service! I'm so not an outdoors girl. Have a good time...we'll miss you!!

  6. Have a great time! I'll be camping soon. Bring the bug spray!!!

  7. Have a wonderful vacation! I love the look on Rusty! So precious!

  8. Thank you so much for your lovely comment :) I just had to stop by and say how adorable your dog is! I have a sausage dog also but mines a long hair, comical little fellows arnt they :) Im sure you will have a great time camping! Just make sure to keep those tents well zipped up, nothing worse than discovering you pitched up on an ants nest or the me!

  9. Hi! Gina, Have a wonderful vacation! I love ur pet and ur food make me hungry:)))). Lovely post.

  10. Gina, you are hilarious! I actually love camping, although I haven't gone in years. 3 small kids makes it kind of difficult, I can't wait until they are a bit older.
    I will miss you, though. Come back from the wilderness with some ideas for yummy treats!

  11. Sometimes a simple vacation like camping can be more fun than a lavish vacation. I am sure you will have fun. Great line up of posts here, look forward to more lovely posts when you get back.

  12. So funny, Gina! :) I would love your spring rolls for lunch today. My idea of *camping* is the cheap, er I mean inexpensive, hotels I find, but you have fun!

  13. Enjoy your time off lady!! We will miss you terribly and will be looking forward to when you get back. I love reading your posts by the way, they always make me smile :-)

  14. Have fun Gina, thanks for leaving us with a few choice goodies to keep us happy while you're out tripping the light fantastic with some bears(might get a few new followers out of the deal!?)at a beautiful lake somewhere! Enjoy;-)

  15. Thanks everyone! I hope to give you the grizzly details soon.
    Ants - Sasha, thanks for giving me a new nightmare, lol.

  16. You are a tough "Cookie" Gina. Sorry but camping was Never my strong point. Have fun and don't let the bugs bite.

  17. You are so funny! :) Loved reading through this post :) Have a wonderful vacation... I'm sure you'll have a blast!

  18. Wow! These recipe photos are just gorgeous...they all look incredibly delicious and make my mouth water! I'll look forward to what you'll cook up when you return from the woods :)! Oh, and Mr. Rusty is handsome in his
    Marine Biologist outfit...hoping he will be joining you since doxies love to camp :)
    I have a girl for little doxie, Abby!
    Have fun! xo

  19. You are so funny, Gina! Have a blast camping - I'm sure you'll have lots of stories of bravery and adventure when you return!

  20. Gina, enjoy the camping and time spent with your loved ones!
    Have FUN!

  21. wishing you a great holiday dear..:)
    gorgeous clicks again..
    Tasty Appetite

  22. Bless! I'm sure it won't be that bad...

    (secretly says a little prayer I'm not going)

    Come back real soon :)

  23.'re such a RIOT! I've never gone camping because I'll probably scare all the bears and raccoons off (not to mention other campers) with my midnight karaoke session in the woods. Besides, I've gotten used to the hot Brazilian butler bringing me my breakfast tray in the can I possibly give him up?!

    Anyway, my queen, have a lovely va-kay and try to get a good tan on that throne of yours!

  24. Oh my! Well if I did not already avoid camping, I would be now, lol
    I hope you have a wonderful vacation, and stay safe!

  25. You are too funny. My husband grew up camping, and keeps bugging me to go camping. i told him that I would only go in a RV, so we haven't gone camping yet:)

    We'll miss you but enjoy the s'mores!

  26. I already envy you. I haven't been camping in years, hubby's idea of camping is the nearby decent hotel.
    wish you tons of fun. can't wait to read all about it!

  27. Ah, hope you have fun Gina! My idea of camping is a Holiday Inn so I'm REALLY glad I'm not going with you guys!! Kate@ kateiscooking

  28. Too funny! I grew up camping but married a man who prefers nice hotels. DARN ;) Have a great time...I know you'll have lots of stories when you return...and thanks for leaving us with lots of lovely recipes~
