
Monday, August 15, 2011

Food Trend Alert - Could Pretzel Pies & Pretzel Hats be Hotter than Macarons

I'm hoping that today's post will be a fun one.  I really had no idea what kind of pretzel I wanted to make and I had this strange craving for pie and before I knew it I was making pretzel pies.  

I've always had a sweet spot for Lemon Meringue Pie.  I closed my eyes and I saw what I was craving; lemon-thyme pretzels with mascarpone and lemon curd all dressed up with meringue.  Will these be hotter than macarons?

Then I had a crazy idea that drove me to make peanut butter and nutella filled chocolate pretzels.  I think someone should call the doctor; because before I knew it I had turned the pretzels into a cake. 

Although I had my pretzel fill my heart still yearned for something more.  I really wanted a pumpkin pie.  Surely that would make my birthday complete.  My husband who had just walked in from work and shoved one of these down his throat; looked at me and said, "These taste just like a pumpkin pie".  

Pumpkin Pie Pretzels
1/2 cup water, 110 degrees F
3 teaspoons dry active yeast
2 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoon sugar
1/2 cup organic pumpkin puree
2 large eggs
1 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
4 ozs. Cream cheese, softened (whipped works good here)
2 teaspoons water
Coarse sugar
Ground cinnamon

I used the basic instructions that you can find here.  Only changes I made were I spread the cream cheese down the center third of the dough and sprinkled the tops with coarse sugar and cinnamon.

Once the pretzels were cooled, I drizzled mine with a little powdered sugar icing (optional, but good).

I bet you thought this post was about me, well it's more about you and how lucky I am to have connected with so many of you on my blogging journey.  My blogging journey has brought me around the world without ever having stepped foot on a plane.  

I met a sweet woman named Becky shortly after I started blogging. I saw her trying to feel her way around and tried to help her with what little knowledge I had.  When I found out her late mom and I shared a birthday, well I knew we were meant to be friends.  I've enjoyed watching her grow and reading about her family.  I'm so over the moon she baked me a cake.  Thank you Becky!

I think Becky has my lemon and blueberry loving number.  You can get the recipe here.

I can't even tell you how many times Maya has put a smile on my face.  I love how she never shows me the expected.  One day I'm hoping to make it to her side of the world and we are going to hang out in her hammock and compare all the crazy ideas that come into our food warped brains.  Thank you so much Maya!  

Maya I can't even tell you how much I love the fact you made me a hat.  I'm sure she has the fact I'm a goofball pegged.

I think this may be the next food/fashion trend, everyone is going to want to be sporting one of these hats.  Go see Maya and get the recipe for Princess Beatrice Pretzels here.

Then there is sweet Nancy, someone else I hope I will have the pleasure of meeting one day.  I can't thank her enough for all the dumb questions she has answered for me.  We laugh at each other's silly humor and I'm in awe of her photography skills.  I adore the poem she wrote me in her post.  Thank you Nancy!  

You must read about these Smoked Turkey and Edam Cheese Pretzels with Nectarine Jalapeno Sauce for yourself here.

Then there is Miss Parsley Sage or P.S. as I like to refer to her.  I remember the first time I read her blog; I knew I wanted to get to know her better.  I'm a tad jealous; she lives in the Caymans and gets to hang out at the bar on the beach.  She baked me a pretzel even though baking was outside her comfort zone.  Isn't that what this blogging thing is all about, I love it?  Thank you P.S.!

Jerk Pretzels - I sure wish I had one today.  

Next we have Lilly, sweet Lilly thought she forgot and ran to her kitchen to make these.  Lilly anyone that thoughtful and sweet ranks at the top of my list.  I've seen some pretty tasty eats on her blog, I have saved to make soon.  She is someone I will be keeping a close eye on.

A sweet and savory duo with chorizo, Lilly you must know me well.  Get Lilly's recipes here.

If your schedule is anything like mine these days; I know how hard it was to fit these in.  I'm so grateful for all of you putting a birthday smile on my face.  Feel free to keep honing your pretzel skills and send me the links so I can share with everyone just how amazing you are.

I appreciate all the love and pretzel wishes,



  1. Gina, I'm totally feeling all the love shown for you via these pretzels baked from all over the world! But you know what? I'm still craving for YOUR pretzels....why IS that? Those lemon meringue pie pretzels and the PB-Nutella ones are just crazy good-looking. I now have to bow down to your pretzel making prowess! LOL.

    Hope you had a really fun birthday. I've certainly had a blast with this challenge!


  2. Happy belated birthday, Gina. I'm so happy that you were given so much pretzel-love (though I am sorry that I wasn't able to take part in the festivities). I have to admit that the pumpkin pie pretzels pulled at my heart taste buds the most. I adore pumpkin pie.

  3. These pretzel concoctions are fun Gina! I'm so happy you enjoyed your birthday with pretzel making, I've been on vacation but may still cook up a belated pretzel birthday wish. Best wishes and yes the pumpkin pie sounds amazing:-)

  4. These are all so wonderful as are all your sentiments! Happy Belated Birthday!

  5. Gina-So much "pretzel love"...I clicked over from Becky's right after I commented on her blog.

    Happy, Happy, Birthday, dear sweet Gina!
    Such fun things with the yummy pretzels. Love the gorgeous pretzel pie, and the superb photos of each and every one of them.
    I would like to invite you to join the 7 Links game. Stop by my blog and check it out. Lizzy passed one of them on to me!
    I would love to see a lineup of your amazing posts and recipes!

  6. Happy belated birthday, sweet Gina! I am totally scared to make homemade pretzels, but you make it look pretty do-able! Add it to my foodie bucket list...

  7. Hope you had an amazing birthday sweetie! These are all so fun and yes I feel a new trend coming on :)

  8. Happy Bday!! This is the cutest post, coming from Spicy Foodie to see your great treats!! I love the pumpkin pie pretzels!

  9. Happy Birthday! I love that you turned it into a Chocolate Nutella Pretzel cake! My son would love the pumpkin pie one. All these were great!

  10. Happy birthday! I loved this post...with all your yummy pretzel creations. And Maya and Becky's, too! I feel the blogger love :)

  11. Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a fabulous day!
    A fabulous and delicious post!


  12. Happy Birthday Gina! I really like the idea of pretzel tarts.. *genius* And gosh.. I really want to make some now too, for you and that's because you're such an amazing cook and baker! Hugs, Jo

  13. Some really fun pretzel recipes here ;-))I love especially the lemon-thyme pretzels with mascarpone and lemon curd!!

  14. Pretzelpalooza! Maya's pretzel had is GENIUS! Who didn't take one look at Beatrice's hat and instantly think 'That would be WAY better if it was a pretzel!' Thanks for the shout out, it was loads of fun :) Buzzed!

  15. I hope you had a fabulous birthday Gina!!!! What a great post with all these pretzel creations! Those pumpkin pie pretzels look divine :)

  16. Can I have one?! Ohhh, these look so good!!! I agree, these could be better than macarons=D Excellent recipes, thanks for sharing! =)

  17. Happy Birthday, Gina! Wishing you much happiness and a very satisfied pretzel-filled belly. Wish I could eat each and every photo above!!

  18. Sorry I am late; I was in Camelot! HAppy Birthday Gina my blog friend; I do love to come and visit you. So much talent that I am jealous.

  19. Gina those Lemon Meringue Pies look just great!! I think they are way better then macarons! Lovely post, you are just to kind. Love to see all the different pretzels. So creative =)

  20. what a pretzel-y way to celebrate your birthday! I have made your three cheese pretzels and can't wait to make these pumpkin ones. Soon is going to be pumpkin season, mmmm
    Happy birthday once again!

  21. So cool! I'm loving all the pretzel creations! I hope you had a terrific birthday!

  22. So much fun!!! I do love pretzels, too. Hope you had a wonderful birthday :-) kate @ kateiscooking

  23. I love, love, love my pretzels but have no pretzel imagination! This is wonderful - what a compilation. Pretzels should be the next macarons. Loving the lemon meringue - how clever. Hope your birthday was absolutely splendid!

  24. Hi Gina, To answear your question yes! Move over Macarons here come die pretzels:) I love your roundup and how some many showed you a little b-day love.
    I also hope to meet you some day, because I know we'd get along fabulously:) BTW no question is dumb and I love hearing from you. And your pumpkin pie pretzels are on my list as soon as I get some pumpkin. Yum!

  25. HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY! I love all these pretzel variations!

  26. Wow, what an amazing array of absolutely delicious sounding pretzels!

  27. These pretzels looks delectably enticing. Could be a different way to add spice on birthday celebrations.

  28. What gorgeous pretzels, Gina! Love the pretzel hats... Sorry I missed your birthday! I hope you had a great one... I have been away from blogging for a while now, and I have been missing out on too much! Going to check out all the pretzel posts now... They look great! And I love the hat :)

  29. Gina, I hope your birthday was blessed and by the look of all these fab pretzels, it was very fun! They are amazing and each one, so creative. I love your lemon meringue!!!

    I hope the year ahead will be filled with joy!!

  30. Well...what a pleasure it has been to once more be greeted with such a fun, active post. Is it because of your Birthday...I think not. You always manage to get a smile and a giggle out of me...especially when these moments are so needed ;o)

    Lemon pie with tons of meringue is one of my favourite desserts...and pretzels...can't get enough of them. Gina, I think that you may just be onto something quarky and hot! The capture of your dessert is a stunner!

    Happy Belated B-Day my dear.

    Ciao for now,

  31. Wow! All these pretzels sound amazing! I think your lemon meringue should win the golden pretzel award - such a fun post :)

  32. Oh Gina,
    I don't how I missed this post. Thank you so much for mentioning me and the cake that I made for you. I feel that because you share the same birthday as my late Mom, that we have a special connection. Thank you for all of your blogger love and support:)

