
Monday, August 29, 2011

My 7 links and I'm gonna miss all of you...

Most posts I read these days contains some sort of bad news and I hate to be the bearer of more, but I'm going on a break and really can't say if I will ever write another post.

I wish it wasn't true, but my reality is a busy household, business to run (no not the blog), and no time at all these days.  I keep thinking my schedule is going to magically slow down; truth is the only thing slowing down is me.  I just need to focus my energy on other things.

I will be checking up on all of you when I can.  All of you make me laugh, think and cry too, so I won't say goodbye to any of you.

I've been promising the sweet Elizabeth - Food and Thrift Finds and Becky - Baking and cooking a tale of two loves I'd post my seven links, thank you both for tagging me.

1.  The post that I think is most beautiful.  This was hard, but I love this post not because of the photos, but because it is truly where I love hanging out.  Cherry U-Pick farms.

2.  Post that was the most popular.  If I went by numbers I think it was my Nutella and Apricot Streusel Sweet Rolls.

3.  Post that was the most controversial.  That was an easy one, not that I think I'm controversial, it's just I did get some unhappy reactions and the only reason I think that was so is because they mistook my humor for something else.  I'm a crappy blogger and I'm okay with it.

4.  Post that was the most helpful.  I don't know if it was helpful to anyone, but I personally enjoyed writing it.  (Unfortunately this post had some technical issues and I hope to fix it and repost it at a later date.)

5.  Post whose success surprised you?  I'd have to say my macarons, not that it surprised me, but I'm happy it led me to have a macaron making party with fellow bloggers that was such a delight.  Macarons Success Finally.

6.  Post that I feel didn't get the attention it deserved.  Tough one, I had lots to choose from in this category, not that I thought my posts deserved more attention.  It's just this cake was darn hard to make and so that is why I chose it.  Spiced Chocolate Torte Wrapped in Chocolate Ribbons.

7.  Post that I am most proud of.  My sister's birthday party, the best times I've ever had are when I've done something that makes someone else so happy.  Tiramisu and Cindy's 35th Birthday Party. 

Hope you enjoy these memories with me.  I won't say good-bye, it's until we meet again!



  1. OMG Gina you must been reading Foodiva’s last post (divorcing eggs)! I feel like we are just getting to know each other and I am so sad, but totally understand that blogging takes lots of time. It’s like a full time job next to your full time job. I always wonder how other people do it. I can barely keep up with blogging, working full time and taking care of my family. It’s lots of fun, but also takes a lot of time.

    So that being said, I will miss your humor and your beautiful pictures. And I hope to see you back soon! Take care and just drop a line once you have the chance.

    You will be missed!

  2. I will miss you Gina; l love to come and read you. I will still keep you as a follower in case you change you remind.
    I do understand; you have a full life, but you photos and recipes always inspired me. Take good care and Be happy.
    Hugs from Canada,

  3. I'm so sad knowing I may not longer get to read you.
    I'm between one of those bloggers that lately shared bad news but I learned to pick myself up, put a big smile and go on.
    Blogging is taking indeed time. Who thinks is just cooking is highly mistaken. All the hours we put cooking, taking photos, editing, writing, reading. I feel sometimes so overwhelmed.
    I hope this is not going to be your last post, I hope you'll find the balance and from time to time you'll share laughs and delicious recipes with us.
    Take care my friend!

  4. I understand but it makes my heart no less heavy to do so. North Carolina will miss you. Hugs.


  5. Oh friend, I so understand the time pressures but I will miss your writing and presence in the blog world. The only consolation is that we live close enough to hang out for "real." Mini-me and I will see you soon :)

  6. I totally understand. I've been feeling like that myself lately. You'll be missed!

  7. Huh? No way Gina!! You can't leave us! I really enjoy reading your blog.... we'll miss you so much. Please come and say hi when you get a chance. I know life can be so busy and I also struggle esp after kids started school. I wish you best and please take care meanwhile. At least you will be chatty on facebook? ;-) I did enjoy reading your 7 links and all of the food is simply amazing and that's another reason why we want you to continue! Well I don't want to make you feel bad, but please remember that all of us love your blog!

  8. Oh, Gina, say it isn't so. However, I totally understand the time required to write a food blog, and it's lot. Sometimes life gets in the way of blogging, and we are torn, but we have to put family first. I will look forward to reading your blog and recipes, when you pop in.


  9. I'm going to miss seeing new updates from you, Gina! I love your gorgeous photos and sense of humor! I do understand, though. Blogging does require a huge time commitment. Take care, and eat well with family and friends!

  10. On no! You are at the top of my favorites list...I will miss reading you and seeing your beautiful creations. I can understand it being difficult to find the time though, it is an amazing amount of work. I know we will remain friends though and connect in all of the other ways :)
    Your 7 links if wonderful...they are all great posts. My favorite was your sisters party I think as well. Surprised about the cake though, that is a gorgeous work :)
    Big hugs!

  11. I'm going to miss you! I haven't posted in months due to the demands of life, so I totally understand. I hope you'll be back. At least maybe I'll see you on FB.

  12. I'm sad that I'm going to miss you dearly. Please update once in a while and I promise I'll be the first to leave you a comment.
    Take care and Big Hugs!!

  13. Totally understand how hard it is to manage it all. We will miss you, and hope you will come back!

  14. Noooooooo.....Gina! Please don't leave us just yet. You make such beautiful things on this blog, the food blogging world will be an uglier place without you in it. Look, here's the deal. You go and take care of your bigger life, and whenever you're free, or better yet - BORED, come back and entertain us with your words, okay? Just don't ever say goodbye. Evaaah!!

    PS. I miss you already :'(

  15. Wow...I will miss you so, Gina! I hope that you decide to return, even if on a limited basis, so we can keep up with you. You have a gift for cooking and writing, so I hope this isn't goodbye for good! Sometimes blogging can become more than we bargained for timewise, so I get why you feel the way you do.

  16. Oh, Gina, all your blogger friends will be mourning your absence...but I truly understand. I have a feeling you'll be back...whether months or years from now as you do have a gift for blogging. Love your seven links...especially that chocolate torte...gorgeous!!! xoxo

  17. o Gina, I/we will miss you! But we all understand there are things more important in life.
    7 lovely and delicious treats!

  18. Thank you all so much for your kind comments, I have some pressing things I'm working on at the moment. I will check in with all of you soon.

  19. Oh, Gina!! I remember most of the posts you have here and I am with you on the one that didn't get the attention it deserved. That is one gorgeous cake, and I still think it should have been on a magazine cover!
    I totally get the busy schedule. Frankly, I don't have any idea how these moms with little kids still post. I saw a post other day with a mom of two kids and one was only 10 days old! Maybe the baby is still sleeping a lot, but there is no way I could have done it.
    Don't disappear on us! Keep posting on FB so we can see what you are up to, I always look forward to checking in on you. You are one of the first people I met when I started blogging and you truly hold a special place in my heart. XOXO :) Keep in touch!!!!

  20. I'm so sad to see you go. I love the way you write about things. I know how time consuming this can be, though, so I can certainly understand why it would have to go. Hope everything works out smoothly for you.

  21. Sorry to see you leave the blog world - I must thank you for the tortilla soup recipe - it was the hit of my Mexican Fiesta last weekend. Blessings on where ever life takes you - hopefully you will make your presence know here once in a while!!

  22. Oh, Gina-my heart just dropped, when I read your post about leaving. Please don't leave! You can post even once a week, every other week, or even once a month. You were practically my first friend when I just started my blog a little over one year ago!
    I've been eagerly waiting for your new post, each time with more and more beautiful recipes and photos to accompany them!

    Thank you for mentioning me for tagging you on the 7 Links. You picked such beautiful posts...I was so surprised you actually did link up, after you said you were so busy with your tomato canning, which BTW-I do have a next post to link back to you re: the marinara sauce, with your please don't leave, just yet!
    I will truly miss you, and your posts, but I do realize how busy you are. It's the same with my daughter Lora, I keep telling her to hang in there!
    Take care, and do take some time off to rest, at least!
    Much love to you!

  23. Gina, I just came here and couldn't believe my eyes..I LOVE YOU AND YOUR BLOG!!! I do understand your busy schedule, but as Elisabeth said before me at least once a month a great recipe..I am so going to miss you, and your stories, and your creations, and your mouthwatering pictures..:/

    Your 7 link challenge is..wonderful..I am almost crying, love each and every one of those..
    Thank you for being supportive blogger and a friend. You will be missed!!!!!!!!!
    Now give me one big bear hug!

  24. I definetly understand u Gina, will miss your posts.. It was nice memories of u with 7 links..
    hugs from istanbul

  25. Oh Gina from your email I just figured you meant a week off or so. I know everyone is going to miss visiting you here and all the wonderful goodies you share with us. But go take care of your family and life. We will all still be here waiting for you. If you need anything please let me know, you know where to find me.
    Big hugs sweetie and I hope you are well.

  26. Hi Gina, Gosh.. reading this made my heart dropped. I've always been reading quietly and am regretting that I don't buzz you enough. Perhaps it's never too late? Afterall it was Elisabeth from Food&ThriftFinds who introduced me to you. Like Foodiva said, maybe when you're bored you could always leave a 1 liner? Meanwhile, I wish you all the best of health and future undertakings. Your baking and cooking rocks and knocks me out every single time!! Missing you already.. :~(Huggggggggsssssss, Jo

  27. Miss you already! Feel better soon...I'm praying that things will balance out for you and your energy will return so that we can continue to enjoy your creativity and beauty!
    Blessings to you, sweet friend...see you soon...xoxo

  28. Sweet Bella Gina you will be sorely missed by so very many ~ I know I haven't gotten to comment on everyone's blog as much as I'd like because things are getting so busy on this end too, I do understand your dilemma and will keep you in my prayers!!!! have a glorious rest of the holiday weekend and keep shining sweet bella!

  29. Been there Gina, in fact just came back from a few months off myself so I totally understand where you're coming from. Hope you will be back soon too!

  30. I heard about you from Elisabeth's post and, wow, I wish I had met you earlier - your blog is beautiful! Best wishes with your plans and I hope you take her advice and post at least once a month (from what I see, you are very talented!) but I understand what you're saying. Take care!

  31. I so understand where all this is coming from...I'll be making some pretty similar decisions myself very soon.

    I, for one truly enjoyed not only your wit and style of are also a pretty darn good cook ;o)

    All the very best Gina...hugs.

  32. Hello Gina

    Maybe I've got some GOOD NEWS for you. You won the giveaway on my blog about a week ago. I'm just waiting on your address to send you your goodies.

    I know how touch blogging can be sometimes - Ive got a small child, more than full time job and never enough hours in the day. I fit some blogging in when I can, but unfortunately can never reply to all comments.

    Don't leave us - would be lovely to see a post every now and again.

    Good luck and hope to see you around x

  33. You can tell by how late I am in responding to your "goodbye" post that I am a crappy blogger, too and totally understand where you're coming from! I love coming here for your sense of humor and your down-home recipes and delicious treats, Gina. Living your life is more important than blogging :)

  34. I really love blogs about food, because I love cooking. this is my first time on my blog. and It's so sad to hear or should I say to know that you're going. I am expecting more from you please come back. Thanks you so much for this wonderful post. I'll wait till you're back.
