
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Swiss Chard & Red Cubanelle - No Soggy Greens Please

Why don't I eat more Swiss chard?  I've asked myself that question many times and it usually boils down to texture for me.  I've had way too many overcooked and soggy lifeless greens over the years.

My mom is a great cook, but growing up she made us eat Swiss chard often and I do mean often.  It was always prepared the same way and I really wanted to banish it from my life completely as an adult.  I didn't want my kids to loathe Swiss chard, so I've tried to make it more appealing.  If they hate it, I probably won't hear about it until they are adults and we are all sitting around the holiday table.  Things like this have a way of surfacing themselves on such occasions.

I found a beautiful bouquet of Swiss chard at the farm stand; it was just begging to be brought home.

Swiss Chard & Red Cubanelle
1 bunch of Swiss chard any variety will work
1 red cubanelle pepper, seeded and diced
2 tsp. olive oil
3 tbsp. red wine vinegar
2 tbsp. honey

Wash the Swiss chard very well and shake to get off the excess water.  Roll the leaves together and cut into 1/2" strips.  I don't like to use the stems; I will save them for something else like soup.

Heat a non-stick skillet to medium heat and add the olive oil.  Add the diced cubanelle and cook for 3-4 minutes, just until starting to soften.  I used the cubanelle for a little heat; a red bell pepper would be a good substitute if you don't want the heat.

Add the vinegar, honey and a pinch of salt to the pan, stir to combine.  Add all the Swiss chard, just pile it in the pan and toss with some tongs to coat with the honey vinegar.  Only cook for 1-2 minutes until the greens start to wilt.   

Serve immediately.  I did refrigerate some of the leftover and it was very good cold too.

In general it's never a good idea to say anything negative about an Italian Mothers' cooking, because you will hear things like; "Fine, I'm never cooking again" or "My chest hearts, hearing that". 

Besides it will never get back to my mom that I think my Swiss chard is better than hers, I have four siblings I can blame it on.  Deflect and distract, it's a survival strategy you must learn growing up in a large household.

If Swiss chard isn't your thing how about Stuffed Cubanelles.




  1. Yum! I love simple but delicious recipes, this one is spot on. Let that superstar shine! Wonderful!

  2. I'm laughing about the "chest hurts" comment. I can just imagine it. Moms' are amazing women, aren't they. Being in the south, all our greens are cooked until you can't tell what they were when they started out. This is definitely a nice change from that and is a gorgeous dish. I won't even mention the word healthy!

  3. Gina I have to admit, I have never heard of Swiss chart and actually had to google it. It turns out to be some kind of forgotten veggie from which we only eat the leaves. It kinda tasted like spinach/beetroot. I guess it is truly forgotten since I have never seen it being sold here. If I would see them looking like your bunch I would take them home as well.

  4. Gina,
    I have never had Swiss Chard before, but now I'm going to try it. Your salad looks delicious.

    I am tagging you for the 7 Links, please visit my blog, and check it out, when you have time. I would love to see a line up of your amazing recipes!

  5. I adore swiss chard and I love how you have prepared it! I have never cooked with that kind of pepper but it sounds quite intriging. A must try. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Any macaron making? :)

  6. Too funny about your Italian mom comment! My mom is a phenomenal cook but becomes very defensive if she even thinks someone criticizing one of her recipes. Of God forbid I say, "Oh, mom. I tried something new," it's as though she needs to remind me that she's been cooking longer than I have. Haha. Anyway, I grew up with swiss chards and have always enjoyed them. I'm looking forward to trying this recipe.

  7. Nothing soggy about these greens! I think this is a pretty awesome way to keep Swiss chard interesting and tasty :)

    And your Italian mom and my Italian mom...let's just say, I know EXACTLY what you're talking about.


  8. I love Swiss chart, very pretty and delicious veggie but I know what you mean, i had similar experiences with food that I can't stand like asparagus or lentils, at that time I wish that I had a dog underneath the table ..and your salad look amazing, I would totally eat this!

  9. Gina, I'm so impressed with your Swiss chard dish, I just love the stuff myself-my mom was a good veggie cooker;-)

  10. I see this veggie a lot but honestly I didn't know how I should cook this so that I can get the best taste out of this veggie. Thanks for sharing! In fact, your simple seasoning will let me enjoy the original taste of swiss chard and I love it.

  11. You have a great food blog. I found it tonight off of Mrs. Stranded. Delicious sounding recipes.

    I will have to try this because I want to cook more with Swiss chard, kale, etc so want to scope out some new recipes.

    I will have a meal-planning post on 9/1 where bloggers can link up a recipe. The goal is to help readers meal-plan for the month by having good, recipes at their fingertips. The link will be open until 9/15.

  12. That does look wonderful; we really enjoy Swiss chard, but not not alwasy easy to find around here. I buy spinach instead but not the same.

  13. Beautiful blog!
    I love your recipes and presentation of dishes.
    I have added to your followers.
    If you want, come and visit me, you're welcome

  14. This sounds delicious. I love the incredible colors of swiss chard.

  15. A bouquet of swiss chard this beautiful and a touch of honey would make any kid love their Mommy's cooking ;o) Maybe, your Mom had run out of this magic ingredient. LOL

    Ciao for now and flavourful wishes,

  16. What a wonderful way to prepare swiss chard...I have some rainbow chard in my garden so I will have to try this :)

  17. Ah, Gina, no! Well, I can't really say that because I understand the busy schedule and how blogging interferes with everything and becomes a burden. But I shall miss you and your recipes and your funny posts so much! Stay in touch.
