
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Making your Baking Merrier with a Giveaway

The Give-away is now closed and Erin the Spiffy Cookie was our winner!

I wanted to give back a little something to all of you who have made my year Merrier.  I'm hoping some of the things I love for baking would be something you would love to have in your kitchen too. These can be yours, two silicone mats, cute Christmas cutters, piping tips and bags, some cute cupcake gear and a $50 gift card from Sur La Table.  Maybe for a couple of new pans or some spatulas to make your baking life a little bit easier.

You didn't think you were going to get off scott free and just have to follow me to enter did you? Roxana gave me a fabulous idea when she questioned whether or not I have 13 different types of sugars in my pantry.  After I quit laughing, I realized that it did seem like a random number, but indeed there are 13 different types of sweeteners and sugars hiding in my pantry.

Now for the fun part, to enter you have to name them.  I'm not that mean, so I'm gonna give you a few hints:

1)  These little cubes are "naked".

2)  This sugar most commonly comes from beets.

3)  This sugar is what gives cookies a golden color.

4)  This sugar is #3's cousin who was left out in the sun too long.

5)  You need to hold your nose to use this sweetener.

6)  This sugar is much sweeter than eating freshly fallen snow.

7)  This liquid sweetener comes from a plant in the desert.

8)  I use these packets in my tea because I get enough sugar in my desserts (no I'm not going to tell you what color they are, that would be way too easy!)

9)  This sugar when sprinkled on top of my pies, makes they shine and adds a nice crunch.

10)  No Christmas sugar cookie would be complete without a sprinkling of this sugar.

11)  A pecan pie would not be the same without this flowing sweetener.

12)  I like this sugar to add a bit of sweetness to a cocktail rim.

13)  Only really hard workers can retrieve this liquid sweetener.

If you want to enter, e-mail me the answers at spcookiequeen-blog{at}yahoo{dot}com.  If you don't want to have a little fun with the questions just leave me a comment and say, me (I'll count those too, shh!!!).  I will pick the winner by assigning numbers and using random number generator and announce the winner next Tuesday, December 6.

Sorry to have to do this, but it is only open to U.S. and Canada residents.  I'm afraid if I sent it International you wouldn't have it in time for the holidays.

Good Luck and I have a chocolate pie up for your next.



  1. Gina- You are too funny. I didn't realize that I and that many sweeteners in my pantry either. I did send you an email, too.

  2. I entered! I liked your clues, they were cute, but some I had to guess.

  3. Lol, this is like trivial pursuit for Sweet Tooths! Since I'm not eligible to enter (puts here), I'm just going to keep the answers a secret ;).

    I'm waiting for your 'non-seasonal' international giveaway, Gina!

  4. Puts here? LOL, that's meant to be pouts. I'm pouting, see... :((

  5. Hmmm... I know some of them, but not all of them. And I probably have most of them in my pantry, too! LOL! I will work on this when the kids get off to school!!

  6. Okay, I only have three kinds of sugar in my pantry so there's no chance for me, even with your hints, LOL! What a nice giveaway, Gina. I spy out of your table of goodies something I've been meaning to pick up but haven't and the rest, well, I'd love to have them all!

  7. You are all in and Maya you having guilted me into including you, lol.

  8. I had two hours of sleep last night because Dudette is cutting her 6 year-old adult molars. No way my brain can come up with 13 kinds of sweetener. I do know one answer is honey. Can I get credit for that at least? :)

  9. I'll have to think about them later tonight when I get back home. I can't wait to see what types of sugars you have.
    Thanks for the sweet mention. Hugs.

  10. Hahaha, great giveaway and love the clues you provide! I know I don't have 13 kinds of sugar in my pantry ;)

  11. I tried the riddle (see email), but in case of utter failure, I'll just raise my hand here, too! :) What an awesome prize pack!

  12. I hope you will post the answers when the giveaway is done. Nice giveaway! Time to start baking :)

  13. I will be emailing you with my guesses:) I always knew you were extra sweet!

  14. I am stil trying to figure it out; will get back real soon.

  15. Email with guesses sent to you. How fun is this! Turns out I have the 11 of the 13 (if my guesses are correct) sugars in my pantry, who knew? lol Thanks for the fun, kept me busy during a boring work day.

  16. Ok I am going to try to answer the sugar question, because I love trivia, but to hedge my bets I want to be sure to leave a comment.
    Gina this is a great giveaway and a fantastic way to change up the way people enter.

  17. I am waiting for Juliet to get home to help me!
    Your so fun! Lol

  18. Hey Gina, I'm really going to have to think about this one, I probably have 13 types of sweeteners in my pantry, maybe more! I'll get back to you on this one, ps. nice give-a-away;-)

  19. I really thought I could do this. Started an email and was only able to come up with six of the thirteen. How sad is that? :)

    Martha T

    I don't know why I can't log in to post on your blog, but it just won't let me ...

  20. What a sweet, fun give-away. I am absolutely stymied where you have to hold your nose to use the sweetener! So, even if I cannot enter - I am hoping you post the answers. I think I only have seven types of sugars in my home. I'm clearly not as sweet as you!

  21. Hi Gina! I am regretting now that I didn't get those baking goodies up there from Sur La Table. I will be back that's for sure, and perhaps come with an empty bag to buy more goodies. All the best to everyone!! Can't wait to see what you all will be coming up with for Christmas. It's just about 3+ weeks away. Take care.. hugggssss, Jo

  22. I just counted, and I only have seven kinds...and so I could guess about seven of these :) Please enter me anyway! I'm a new follower.

  23. How can I answer these when I can't stop laughing?! You crack me up!
    My real question is...if I do win, are you coming along to teach me how to bake? PLEASE, I will give you purple snow peas ;)
    Fantastic giveaway and I probably have nearly that many sugars in my pantry as well...I will play :)

  24. are so funny Gina! 13 types of sugar..:))) I hardly USE one:)) Well, you put us on the spot for sure..hmm I know at least three out of 13 does that count?:)))
    Google, here I come!:D

  25. wow 13 types of sugar!! You are a crazy woman.
    Beautiful giveaway!

  26. You have 13 different types of sugars? Wow! I'm impressed. Your give-away looks like a lot of fun items.

  27. Gina-I wonder, in actuality, with multiple answers choice how many of the 13 sweeteners would be counted as sugar sweeteners? I probably have about 5 types of sweeteners which of only one type used in baking!
    A great trivia pursuit, Gina, and the giveaway for Sur le table is awesome. I visited the San Francisco store, and would have love to get a few nice things. The $50. gift certificate surely is a generous giveaway!
    Thanks for hosting the a:D

  28. I just counted the sugars in my pantry and I have 3 kinds so there is no way I can name all 13 of yours! Besides the hubby will kill me if I had 13 kinds. Where the heck would I put them? Houses in Europe are quite small compairing to the States.

    Great giveaways and whoever wins them will be so lucky!

  29. You've stumped me on some of these!What a sweet giveaway!

  30. 13 sugars - wonderful. but no one even tried to guess???

    1-sugar cubes
    2-sugar beet syrup
    3-light brown sugar
    4-dark brown sugar
    5- ????
    6-maple syrup
    10-colored sugar
    11-karo syrup
    12-granulated sugar or sanding

    jacquieastemborski AT comcast DOT net

  31. Good guesses Jacquie, I will let everyone know on Tuesday.

  32. 13 sweeteners sounds like a lot, but it's true. I was stumped on one of them, and I kind of feel like I should know... Nice giveaway, silicone mats are a baker's best friend :)

  33. What a nifty giveaway Gina :) I know the contest isn't open to me and it has ended but I'd like to share my guesses with you, kay ? ;)

    1. Porno Sugar
    2. The pretty magenta sugar you decorate with
    3. I thought that was the oven's job?
    4. Oh, the orange skinned blonde girl who is addicted to the tanning salon
    5. cough syrup
    6. Eew, don't eat the yellow snow Gina!
    7. no such thing
    8. Oh, Hohos of course!
    9. I got nothing
    10. 100 % alcohol that has been crystalized to get you through the holiday stress.
    11. A sweet glass of red wine
    12. Definitely tequila!
    13. My mind went to a dirty place and it's just too dirty to say here

    Congrats to the lucky winner!!
