
Monday, February 13, 2012

And you thought your camera was an antique...

I've been working my way through 20+ years of collected treasures when I came across this rare find.  Can you believe I own an original Kodak Trimlite Instamatic?  Pretty sweet huh, it even has stickers.  I'm not sure if I can part with this beauty, but if your camera is more outdated than this one; send me your address and I'd be happy to send this one your way.

My house smells like icky cardboard at the moment instead of its usual delightful cookie aroma.  I've never considered myself a collector or anything like that.  Have you ever received a gift you just weren't crazy about, but didn't have the heart to get rid of because you didn't want to hurt the feelings of the giver.... well let's just say I may be guilty of that crime.

Sitting on the floor with a bin full of stuffed animals I played a little game of - I Love You, I Love You Not.  I couldn't help but feel a little blue every time I tossed one into the Love You Not pile, for I couldn't help but remember when and where the girls got each one.

There was one project I had avoided for years; getting my huge collection of photos in order.  Don't lie that you don't have the same problem lying around in a dark corner of your house somewhere.  I always remember being the family shutterbug and I sure have the photos to prove it.  I had photos everywhere, everywhere but in albums that is.  I purchased a bunch of matching black albums and put all I could in them, labeling them by year.  I had quite a few oversized photos that didn't fit anywhere, so I bought a couple of portfolios to keep them in for long term storage.

It was a project well worth doing and I only wish I hadn't waited so long.  

I met up with Bonni and Visda for lunch at Zuni in San Francisco to say good-bye to Visda.  Visda is getting ready to leave the country for two years for work and can only bring 2 suitcases with her, and I thought I had it rough.  

Can I leave you with a couple of sweet ideas you could make for your Valentines while I finish up my packing? Besides the sooner I finish, the sooner I hope to get back in the kitchen.  

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone,



  1. That's a beautiful, classic camera... LOVE it! And my heart breaks every time I have to throw out an outfit or a toy that my little girl has outgrown. Sometimes I wish I could keep them all! Love the round up of valentine's treats, Gina!

  2. That camera is awesome!!! I think we used to have one like that... wonder what ever happend to it?
    Looks like you are making progress! I always start sorting through things, then I end up not really parting with anything, lots of memories and reminiscing and not enough boxes.
    Those chocolate waffles are to die for!!!

  3. I can't believe you're packing to move! Good luck this week;-) So sorry I missed the lunch. I'm sure you guys had fun and enjoyed a delicious meal together! Hang on to that camera, we might need that for our next baking day;-)

  4. Patty maybe we could give it away as a door prize, lol.

  5. That camera cracks me up. No, I don't have anything like that. I tend to let stuff go. Well, except for my Olympus OM1. I may never use it again since the world is now digital, but I just can't part with it.

    I'm loving that owl coffee cup. So very cute. :)

  6. I did the photo thing last year; it took me 2 months...I was not as organized as you. I divided them in 5 piles; one for each of my 4 sons and one for us. I them put them in boxes for pictures and gave them each their own box of memories growing up. Happy I did this; now my photographing is for my Blog. I let my kids take the family picture.

  7. This reminds me that I still have to clear out one of my messy rooms. I'm a "what if I need it girl" so I tend to hold on to stuff longer then needed. I hope you donated your stuff to people less fortunate. I know that's what I'll do when I finally work my way through all my stuff.

    Love your Valentine suggestions...unfortunately the hubby is on a business trip so...I'll keep them in mind for when he gets back.

    Happy Valentine's day!

  8. Yes Lilly, I've been busy making trips back in forth down to my local charity. Hope you enjoy your Valentine's Day!
    Rita, good idea, I'll pawn all those photos off on the girls one day.

  9. I don't envy you moving. In fact, I am knocking on every piece of wood around me that I don't have to again for a long, long time. I guess, though, moving does have it's perks, like getting those photos organized. Sounds like you are definitely lightening your load before you go.

  10. I have a collection of cameras in my closet, boxes of photos arranged by date and never put anywhere... but what I don't have are your sweet baked goodies - and I couldn't choose - I want them all. Best of luck with the "I love you nots" and organizing! It's a chore!

  11. Gina-I'm at a total loss about you moving?...where are you moving?...out of town, state? or just downsizing, and in the same area?
    Anyway, I'm so happy to hear that you got together with Visda and Bonni for lunch...I remember them well, from the Foodbuzz Festival last November!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  12. BTW-I love your camera, I used to have one just like that, and also still have 2 beautiful 35MM Canon, and Nikon from the early eighties with all the additional lenses. Just can't seem to part with them!

  13. gosh...I just threw away one Kodak camera...well, it belonged to my husband and I can't stand any more the whole cellar just loaded with some useless stuff. He has at least 50 shoe boxes of cartoon booklets and many others...
    You move away or you just re-organize all the collected treasures?

  14. Thanks everyone for the concern, just moving 45 mins away, but downsizing, so lots of work ahead of me still. Wow Angie, I don't feel so bad anymore.

  15. I think moving will be the only way I'll ever get my basement purged. I think I still have Bill's polaroid camera...not that there is any film left in this world to make it work! Good luck with your move, Gina!! xo

  16. Gina,
    Scott collects old cameras, so i know that we have several cameras, much older than than yours. He has an old Polaroid, as well as an old Brownie. we had a garage sale last Fall, but he didn't sell any of them though. He also looked on Ebay, and the models that he has aren't worth that much. They're back in the basement. I think that they should have gone to Goodwill. good Luck with the rest of your packing.

  17. Classic camera :)

    I had to laugh when I saw all your albums for your photos. I have shelves in my kitchen with binders just like that but I have recipes in mine!

  18. Haha your camera is a collector's dream :) Really you could sell it on Ebay and some sucker I mean collector will be really happy. It looks like the packaging is going well. Next time we move I'll fly you over to organize my stuff. I should go get some of those albums soon. Have a great weekend Gina !!

  19. Aww those cupcakes are too cute! Love that strawberry detail on them! :D

  20. That is so funny, I just found a very old Kodak a few weeks ago when clearing out some family things. I will need to take a photo and send it to you :) Sounds like a great project with the photos and hope your packing and such are going well :) The treats look wonderful and I hope you had a great valentines and are having a wonderful weekend, hugs

  21. I hope the moving/packing is going smoothly, Gina! Oh seeing that instamatic brought back memories. That was my very first "real" camera, I remember getting it for Christmas one year. Sigh :) Thanks for the trip down memory lane! xo

  22. Oh! Gina, I wonder if I am too late. Now I just had some free time to kill to catch up on my reading, and read that Visda is leaving SF. Gosh.. my heart sank, as I looked forward to meeting her someday again. It's so nice that you ladies got to meet up. You are absolutely right, she may not be around,but certainly will not be forgotten. Thanks for sharing that lovely photo!! Huggss, Jo
