
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Joanie and Chachi met Fonzie (PG Version)

My sweet friend Nancy has two minions who go by the names Joanie and Chachi.  Every time I see a photo of them I giggle to myself.  Growing up I'm pretty sure I saw all of the Happy Days reruns. I couldn't help but think to myself there was a character missing in Nancy's little menagerie. I mean come on what would the show have been if it wasn't for the one and only Fonzie.

I grabbed a pencil and notepad and went about writing a little story that would do Nancy's feathered friends justice.

Don't judge the scribbles and poor handwriting (it's a gift), my daughter told me she could draw a better version and drew this picture.  (Yes, she was right).

I like to start with a drawing or picture not for the details but for the overall shape.  I then cut out the drawing and trace it onto a thin piece of cardboard to produce a template.  I flipped the template over to produce a mirror image.

Place the template onto rolled sugar cookie dough and cut out with a paring knife.  

I get asked this question often, "When do you insert the sticks when making cookie pops?"  Insert them into the raw dough when it's on the baking sheet, and then bake them.  Don't worry the sticks won't burn.  Once cooled all you have to do is frost them with royal icing.  I used a candy chip for the eye and a food marker for the cheek.  Then you can let your imagination take over at this point.

Nancy came home to find Joanie and Chachi sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!  Nancy thought the two lovebirds needed a little cooling off period and decided to call over Chachis' cousin Fonzie to have a little chat with the two youngsters.

Joanie and Chachi were so happy to see Fonzie.  Joanie was smiling on the outside, but on the inside she was thinking to herself I'm strangely attracted to Fonzie. 

Chachi on the other hand wasn't impressed by The Fonz in his leather jacket and pompadour; he leaned in a little closer for a better view.  Chachi thought to himself, this guy looks freakishly like a penguin but my keen bird senses tells me he is a chicken.  Fonzie started to break out in a mild sweat as he noticed Chachi giving him the - you look tasty glare.  Hey Chachi I don't know what Nancy told you about me, but I'm just here to offer some of my rocking wisdom. 

The Fonz had good reason to fret because Joanie and Chachi were harboring a deep dark secret.  This reason would soon become quite apparent to Fonzie.  Joanie and Chachi were cannibals (gasp)!

Hey Joanie, "Doesn't Fonzie taste like chicken?"  Actually Chachi I was kind of thinking he tasted like cake!  

Sorry kids I had to rate this one PG; I was shocked by those adorable Hannibal Lecters too.

Hope you all have a wonderful Easter.



  1. You crack me up. All three are adorable. I can't believe you cut out the birds with a paring knife! I love the expression you gave the birds with the eyes and eyebrows (though I never realized that bird HAD eyebrows! Bravo, Gina, Bravo! Happy Easter to you too.

  2. Joanie may love Chachi, but I love THIS POST even more. You are too funny, Gina! Thanks for the giggle and may the Easter bunny be good to you 'n yours.

  3. Gina,
    You are so creative! Who else but you would think to make minion cookies with names of Joanie and Chachi, and then have Fonzie, as the middleman? You are too, too funny. Have you thought of writing childrens' books. You have made my day, no you've made my week. What's going to happen with the Easter Bunny?

  4. haha, you're hilarious! If you decide to write children's books you have an illustrator in your daughter. Does this mean you're reasonably settled now? I'll be sharing the same moving woes in May - we are moving after 15 years! You know how much c--- (cake) has accumulated after that many years! Have a wonderful Easter, Gina :)

  5. ....holy cow! You had me completely in gigglefits until the bloodlust! Love the faces :)

  6. This is such an adorable post, you are too funny. Love those cookies too very creative. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  7. o gosh..Gina, you are so sweet and funny! I wouldn't have heart to eat these cookies...they are so lovely.

  8. It was seriously the Fonz's little leather jacket that threw this post over the edge. As well as the angry bird eyes and blood. Oh, darling, you're a total prize ;)

  9. Gina, this is just awesome! You have both hubby and I cracking up. We love your tale and hopefully Joanie & Chachi won't start getting a big ego, lol. All of the photos are great but the last one I just can't stop laughing at.

    Thank you so much, you have no idea how much I needed this laugh today. Big, big hugs and thanks a million sweetie:)

  10. you. totally. crack. me. up. !!! Happy Rez Day bella!

  11. Oh, Gina!!! So admittedly I'm a total lightweight and I've had a whole glass and a half of wine, but this is absolutely hysterical!!! My husband is not understanding why I'm laughing out loud at two birds on a stick, but he hasn't had enough wine I think.
    Happy Easter to you too my friend!! XO

  12. Gina, you are awesome! Where do you come up with this stuff? I love it so keep it coming girlfriend;-)

  13. LOL - you made my day! What a hoot. Happy Easter :-)

  14. What a cute post; love it!
    Hope you and your family are having a wonderful Easter weekend Gina.

  15. Love this, Gina!! You're such a talent in the kitchen...and your darling daughter has the gift, too. Giggling and the cannibal birds...too funny! Happy Easter, my friend~

  16. Love this, Gina!! You're such a talent in the kitchen...and your darling daughter has the gift, too. Giggling and the cannibal birds...too funny! Happy Easter, my friend~

  17. Oh my goodness! Loved the story, but I didn't see that last picture coming... they are vicious! Rated PG for some serious red velvet(?) violence! You are one talented bunch! Great job with this post!!! :) Love it... <3 Hugs!

  18. You are talent with all your cookies designing! I had a laugh looking at your post but my 3 year old son got a little scared seeing your last pic... It's a little PG rated :D

  19. Thanks everyone and for the record, no cake pops were seriously harmed in the making of this post.
    Sorry Zoe your son was a little scared, I did say in the title it was rated PG.

  20. You are too funny! These are cute, and so creative!

  21. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA.. sorry couldn't utter a word yet, cause I am just mesmerized by your creativity!! Awesome Gina!! Cookie pops.. and I really love the part where the parrots took a bite of the penguin.. cute (oh! boy..does that make me a saddist?) kekekekekke.. Have a good weekend and thanks for stopping over to check on my my friend. All is good so far "I HOPE" .. :P, Hugggss, Jo

  22. This is so unfair, I have a cracked rib and look what you are doing to me! I knew better than to stop by...if I ever stop laughing I might be able to finish this comment :) These are amazing and incredibly adorable!

  23. P.S. Hope you had a wonderful Easter :)

  24. So absolutely adorable. The title caught my eye (obviously) and I have to come back and reread it over and over because it still gives me the giggles. I love love love it. I'm going to share the link on fb if that's okay. There is a Fonzie running gag right now with a friend of mine. xo

  25. Oh, my gosh! This is great! I loved Nancy's post with Joanie and Chachi--how awesome and so, so cool!

  26. Hi Gina,

    I stopped by to say thanks for being a part of the YBR. But I had to read the post again for a good giggle. Thanks again sweetie:)
