
Friday, April 27, 2012

Your Easy Button Has Arrived!

I may or may not have been carrying on in an escalating voice about why nothing can ever get done around here the easy way when Hot Dog Dude chimed in, "I'm going to get you an Easy Button." I've been sitting around here twiddling my thumbs but it still hasn't shown up, so I decided I better take matters into my own hands.

Once I made this easy button, it changed my life.  One push of the button and the sink was cleared of dirty dishes.  Another push and Hot Dog Dudes' dirty socks magically disappeared off of the floor.  Holy crap what else can this thing do I thought to myself.

Maybe it could cure The Queen of her horrid habit of letting naughty words slip from her lips?  One push of this button and it's all cake.

Let's just say your young child comes home with a note from the teacher informing you that your child taught the whole class a new four letter word.  Just send said child to school the next day with this button and a note informing the teacher, "There is no way they learned it at home, because we use this button at home."

Perhaps you are in a heated argument with your significant other and they think they just got the last word in.  First of all, well just don't let that happen.  Secondly, push this button and hello argument over.

I created this button for emergency situations only!  It comes complete with a warning label that reads:  If you make me push this button, I'd suggest you run and duck for cover.

I had to deploy this button when I realized I didn't make a 20 pounds gone button! FUDGE, FUDGE, FUDGE, I kept repeating to myself.

When Hot Dog Dude came home from work complaining about his crappy day, guess what I told him he is the proud new owner of?  I sent him to work the next day with some Easy Button cookies and I'm sure he will have no more problems.

Thanks guys for your sweet comments about my blue mood last week.  I threw on my red raincoat, put my smile back on and went for a drive to clear my head and go check on something I've been eagerly anticipating - the opening of Cherry season.

They aren't quite ready yet, but I will keep you posted.

I felt so much better after my little road trip, all the great advice you guys gave me about needing to get back in the kitchen was right.  Thank you everyone.

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!



  1. Gina, I love "DONE" most of all and, even more so, the LOOK on your face as you're holding that one. Or, as my European friends say, "FULL STOP." But "DONE" gets it done in fewer letters with stronger impact. Go, Gina, go! :)

  2. Love the easy buttons! Glad you're back to normal too. :)

  3. How cute...I need an EASY button cookie most days! Heck...I'll take a plain iced cookie! Have a great weekend, Gina!

  4. LOve this happy you feel better!! I need a couple of those buttons!!

  5. I'm glad your feeling better!!!! I totally need a fudge button lol! Let me tell you when your 21 month old drives around in the car with you and you lose your temper cause someone cut you off and made you swerve with said child in the car and you yell out JACKASS only to realize that same child you were worried about is now saying jackass over and over again in the back seat. You need a fudge button because I know he's going to repeat that to daddy and I'm going to be in trouble ugh!!!!

  6. Boy, I could so use a few of those buttons! Of course, since Dudette knows how to push all mine, maybe adding to them would be a bad thing. :)

    Welcome back, Gina. I've definitely missed you. But, I understand blue moods very well. For us, it's an amazing scientific equation. The lack of green causes blue. Who knew.

    Can't wait to see what you're going to do with cherries!

  7. I need all of these buttons. What a fun idea - nothing like slapping a hard day in the face with a button that makes you smile. Yes! The cherries are coming... and then the berries...

  8. Those buttons are so COOL, just like their owner ;-))

  9. Gina,
    You are so clever! You could market these, and make everyone's day a little brighter. I need to get back in the kitchen and bake!!!

  10. Happy to her your road trip was a good for you. You are the BEST to make my life get sunnier. Love the way you write. don't ever quit; we need more Ginas in our life. It think I need to work on all of your Buttons. Merci Gina.

  11. Thanks everyone and Rita when I get to Canada you will be my first stop.

  12. I absolutely love this post, Gina, so many useful buttons, and all from cake (my favourite 4-letter word) :)

  13. Gina, I can always count on you for a good laugh. When you mentioned the Easy Button to me I thought you were kidding, sorry never heard of it until now. Your cookies look like the perfect solution to everything. Great post sweetie and so glad to hear that you feel better:)

  14. I've been so consumed with work all day--this has been the brightest spot, for sure! Glad you're smiling again. :)

  15. Can you please make me a button with this four-letter word, D-I-V-A? Something that can turn me from drabby, hobbit housewife to red-carpet glamazon in one bite? LOL, trust you to always make me laugh with your original humor and posts. I'd request the EASY button also, but I don't want people to get the wrong idea about me.... :). So happy that you're happy again!

  16. I'm waiting, Gina... I'm waiting. Glad you are doing better!! Liv would adore these little pops. I'm not going to show her tonight as I know she would want to start baking NOW. And I'm more of a glass of wine go to bed mood.
    Hope it's a good week! We have grey, dreary, drizzly days. Praying to the sun gods!!
    BTW... I'll take a done button too!

  17. What a gorgeous photo of you!!!! And I think I need a whole lot of these wonderful cookie pops (though, I think my family would gobble them up before I could even use them). xo

  18. Love these button cookies! So cute! We scheduled to go cherry picking late June as we also heard the cherries are not quite ready yet. I will keep looking for your Go sign!

  19. You are so fun! I just love the buttons and I totally need that Easy button right now... Sorry I haven't visited in so long! I'm catching up on your posts now... and I must mention - as adorable as your cookies are, you are beautiful! <3

  20. could I possibly not smile after reading this post....much officially crack me up, xo j
