
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Strawberry Lime Cardamom Jam - Low Sugar

"There is no place like homemade jam", "There is no place like homemade jam",  whoops wrong story.

The saying is so true, "Once you've had homemade jam, you'll never go back", to the stuff on the shelf - that is.

I've decided this year I want to make at least 50 jars of different jams, some to hold me through the year and some for gifts.  Ambitious?  Yes, but very doable.  Small batches can be done in under an hour and I plan on spreading the task out over the next two months.

For my first jam this season I decided on Strawberry Lime Cardamom.  Dripping with ripe strawberries, tart tongue tingling lime and a lingering finish from the cardamom.  You won't know what hit you, but the next morning when your toaster pops you up a warm piece of toast; you will know exactly what should be on it.

Strawberry Lime Cardamom Jam
2 pounds ripe strawberries, washed, tops cut off, hulled and cut into 1/2" pieces
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
Zest from two limes
2 1/2 cups granulated sugar
1 teaspoon ground cardamom
3 tablespoons low-sugar powdered pectin (I buy a 4.7 oz. jar and just scoop out what I need)

Other necessary items:
4 or 5 - 8 ounce clean glass canning jars with lids and new seals
Large stockpot with rack or basket to lower the jars into the water
Jar lifting tongs (you can use regular tongs, but beware they can slip off the jars and you could get burned)

Place the cut up strawberries, lime juice, lime zest, sugar and cardamom in a large saucepan, turn the heat on to medium and bring to a boil, add the pectin, stir and turn down the heat to medium low. Skim off any foam as the jam cooks.  Cook about 15-20 minutes.  

There are several techniques for checking for doneness.  I just rest a spoon with a little jam on it for a minute or so on the counter and then check to see if it's starting to set up (wiggle a little) then I will usually take it off the heat.   

Fill jars with cooked jam and then process in a water bath.  I have complete directions on processing here.

Yields always vary, so I like to keep an extra jar or two on hand ready to go if needed.

Once you get in the "Jam" zone, you won't be able to stop yourself.

My Bay Area blogging buddies have been hinting at a "Jam" session.  I'm thinking it sounds "Jam-tastic".  Have you had enough of the bad jam jokes yet? (Yes, please someone stop this lady!)

What are you all waiting for? Go forth and make Jam!



  1. I love homemade jam and sometimes whip up a quick stove top jam for certain desserts. I love the idea of making a bunch of fresh jam to last the year and give as gifts. Strawberry lime and cardamom sounds delicious! I love cardamom but don't use it enough. I definitely want to try this jam.

  2. This jam sounds lovely. Great flavor combinations :-)

  3. Oh wow this looks delicious! I love jam, but like you, the sugar quantities put me off. Wonderful alternative, thank you! :)

  4. Once you've made your own jam you'll never be happy buying what they sell at the supermarket as jam. I've found a few jams at the farmer's markets that are pretty good though. None I like better than my own.

    Christmas is in the summer here so jam is a perfect gift.

  5. Hey, Gina--Jam On It!!
    Wikiwikiwikiwiki!:) Keep these fab flavor combos comin'!

  6. I've never made jam...or done any canning for that matter! You've made me think that maybe i should...hmm. I can think of so many fun possibilities!!

  7. Gina,
    I love the combination of flavors in this jam, very creative, strawberry lime, andcardamom. I'll have to try this one, with IL strawberries.

  8. You are off to an excellent start with your jam making goal...and what an amazing flavor combo! So beautiful, too. Have a wonderful weekend, Gina!

  9. When I read the title of this post my jaw dropped! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the flavor combination you have going on here! The cardamom really makes this jam special!

  10. I am looking to can (yikes) and make jam (more yikes) for the first time this summer. Will be checking your "how-to." Love strawberries with a hint of cardamom.

  11. Gina, I know your jams are amazing. While in line at Laudree buying jam I told my friends about how your blood orange jam is even more amazing then Laudree. We must get together soon, its been too long and would love to jam with y'all in a jammin' jam session.

  12. I think Bob Marley sang a song for you called "Jammin'"..."I hope you like jammin' too!"

    I haven't seen an abundance of berries here but don't get me started on our catywampus weather. UGH. My strawberries will never produce more than enough for *a* strawberry shortcake. I hope they are "in season" for my favorite market because I want this jam! Gotta have it!!!

  13. Dionne, I'll send some of our sunshine vibes your way!

  14. JAMAZING! I want to get into jamming so bad...we've got a June Plum tree now. I'm toying with the idea of jamming it up...but I've never done it before! I worry :(

  15. Gina,
    Congratulations on the Top 9 today! You are on a roll:)

  16. Congratulations on making the Foodbuzz Top 9!

  17. Looks wonderful; I never would have thought of putting cardamom in my Strawberry jam. Congratulations on Foodbuzz!.

  18. There really is nothing like homemade jam! Your recipe sounds fantastic with lime and cardamon along with the strawberries!

  19. I'm so glad to hear that it's doable! You've inspired me to do it! :) The combo of flavors sounds amazing and I'm loving that it's lower in sugar! Looks and sounds amazing! Going forth ;)

    Congrats on foodbuzz! xoxo

  20. Love your goal to do 50 jams this year! This one sounds super divine and love the flavor combinations. I can hardly wait to see what is next!

  21. Haha :) Loving the Cardamom in your jam. I haven't made any since last year, need to get on it. Though mine will be more like 1 or two jars nothing compared to your goal ;o

  22. Hi Gina, your jams just brighten my day, so beautiful, perfect, and delicious!
    I recently saw a blog...can't remember which one, totally out of any of ours, that showed these fancy labels for the jams, that she made, but suggested that you can actually have them professionally printed for your jam jars. I'm gonna search the "history" and save that blog to get more info!

    I remember when you were canning your tomatoes, and it inspired me so much to can mine, now, I am getting ready to can some jams. Thanks for the inspiration!

  23. MMMM..I hear 'ya lady, nothing beats homemade jam..nothing! Yours look so good, that I only wish to have it for my dinner tonight (why not LOL!)
    Got to find my groove and start making some Jam...thanks for the inspiration!:)

  24. You are right about the homemade jam! Have been playing with the idea of making some strawberry jam again, but the quantity of sugar has just scared me... yours looks fantastic! Congratulations on the Top 9!

  25. You're always an inspiration to me sweet Miss Gina! I'm loving this jam recipe and looking forward to our Jam-a-thon!
    How did you know that strawberry, lime and cardamom are some of my favorites? Maybe we should bring some homemade bread to the Thon for our jam? I need a lunch and a trip to the orchards with you!!!

  26. Wow, what a gorgeous combination of flavors, Gina! You are really inspiring, tackling such a jamming feat! I wish I could be so ambition! :)

  27. Low sugar jam with so much delicious flavour? Do not need to ask me twice if I would like to take a jar home with me:

    Choc Chip Uru

  28. I low how you add cardamom in the strawberry/lime jam! That's so brilliant! Looks like you had Top 9 with this. Congratulations!

  29. I just love homemade jam! It looks amazing and I love the Strawberry-Lime combination... I want to make this! Can I just skip the cardamom? Not a big fan! It looks fantastic, Gina!

  30. oh me oh my, this looks gorgeous. I have never had homemade jam, or cardamom, but I pass by the spice in the grocery store and think to myself that I am going to get some one of these days and try it out. And I will. I have never canned ANYTHING...but it's on my "foodie bucket list" haha. you inspire me bella.

  31. Does the lime or cardamom change the PH level of the fruit? Does it require a different process time than just plain fruit jam?

    1. Interesting question. I haven't had any issues with spoilage by processing it the amount of time specified if that was your concern. If you have the equipment to test for PH and want to share your finding with me, I'd love to hear.
