
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Farro, Roasted Veggie Salad with Green Greek Dressing

Remind me that the next time I decide the inhale a Mocha Cupcake topped with Espresso Buttercream a Salted Caramel Drizzle and topped with a Macaron before climbing into bed that it's a bad idea.

Please remind me that next time I leave the house and change my purse in a frenzy that not putting my keys in it before locking the door behind me is a bad idea.

Pretty please remind me that I'm not getting any younger, nor any thinner and that maybe I should re-examine my dietary choices from time to time.

One such recipe I felt was ready for a little re-examination was a Farro - Roasted Veggie Salad I like to make.  I will usually go with an olive oil dressing, but why not mix it up and make a tangy, herby, garlicky yogurt dressing I thought.

8 ounces farro
1 small red onion
1 orange bell pepper
2-3 zucchini
1 pound asparagus
1 or 2 tomatoes, chopped
1 small container plain Greek yogurt
Juice from 2 lemons
5-6 green onions, white part only
2 cloves garlic, peeled
1/2 cup cilantro leaves
Freshly ground black pepper

Place a large stockpot half full of water on high heat and bring it to a boil.  Add farro and cook for 10 minutes or until tender.  Drain and set aside.

Peel the onion and cut it into 1 inch sized pieces.  Cut the bell pepper in half and remove the seeds and cut into 1 inch sized pieces.  Place the onion and bell pepper pieces onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.  Bake in a 425 degree F oven for 5 minutes.

Cut the zucchini in half lengthwise and then into 1 inch slices.  Cut the bottom woody portion off of the ends of the asparagus and then cut the asparagus into 2 inch pieces.  Add the zucchini and asparagus to the baking sheet, sprinkle with a little salt and pepper and you could drizzle with a teaspoon or so of olive oil if you wish and cook for 10 minutes.  Remove from oven and let cool.

In a food processor or blender add yogurt, lemon juice, green onions, garlic, cilantro, salt and pepper.  Pulse to combine or until fairly smooth.

In a large bowl combine farro, veggies, chopped tomato and then pour the dressing over.  Mix well and serve room temperature or place in the fridge and serve cold.

Can easily serve 10 as a side dish.  I'm used to making more rather than less, you can easily cut this in half if you are serving a smaller family.

But please don't remind me of any of those things until I've finished polishing off the most sprinkliest, sparkliest cupcakes ever decorated with loving care by my niece.

What was it again I was supposed to be reminded of?  I totally lost my train of thought once these cupcake came into the picture.




  1. Seeing your delicious salad, I have to use farro for my cooking.

    Based on my son and his friends,I reckon that kids love cupcakes being the most sprinkliest and sparkliest ever and this is their most ideal way of decoration :D

  2. Gina,
    Your salad looks so good with all of your roasted veggies, and zingy green dressing. I must make this soon. Believe it or not, I have never tried farro, but I have a whole bag of quinoa, just begging to be used.

    i would get sidetracked by these sprinkliest cupcakes, too.

    What color of paint did you decide on for the chairs?

  3. Oh I've been wanting to do a tangy yogurt dressing too. This salad looks so delicious. Thank you for sharing it with me. And remind me to make meals like this more much better than take-out!

  4. Hi Gina! You crack me up, at least you ate the cupcake before bling to bed and not in bed, with all those sticky crumbs to deal with-not a good thing, probably ;-)
    I pinned your farro salad, love the dressing-looks marvelous;-)
    Were you able to get a VIP pass for your assistant to the FB shindig? just checking,xxooxx-Patty

  5. that was going to bed but if you want to wear bling in bed that's okay too!

  6. Your roasted vegetable salad looks wonderful! I've never used Farro before, but this garlic yogurt dressing sounds great to put all together. And the cupcakes with funfettis look delicious and cute~~!

  7. Love, love your Farro salad, which Lora makes often, as well; roasted vegetables are always so perfect mixed into the yummy healthy salad! Your cupcakes look divine with all those pretty sprinkles!xo

  8. This Farro salad looks utterly divine my friend in both look and flavour :D
    Delicious job!

    Choc Chip Uru

  9. There is nothing I don't like about this salad...the farro, the roasted veggies,the dressing...all just plain delectable!!! I'd be eating helping after helping of the salad, and my hubby and kids would be diving for those cupcakes :)

  10. Farro is one of those things I haven't tried yet. I'm thinking I need to change that.

    Locking keys in the house; bad, very bad. I took Dudette to the dentist today and only realized when I went up to pay that I'd left my wallet at home.luckily I was able to call Hubby and get his card number.

  11. I love your farro salad! Great idea of tossing them with lots of roasted veggies.

  12. Love your idea of using greek yogurt in the farro salad. Don't mind if I help myself to a cupcake before the salad!
