
Monday, August 13, 2012

Nectarine-Rosemary Crumb Bars - Summer Concert Grub

I can't get enough nectarines during the summer.  I was so sad when I went by my friends' orchard the other day and he said they were done.  What do you mean done!!!  I just moved back here and I planned on stuffing myself with them until I started to glow orange, "I bellowed."

I scurried home with the last few I could find and they were so ripe, I knew I would have to consume them faster than I had planned.

I don't know about you, but my summer was stolen away by moving and all the other life changes going on around here.  I decided I needed to take advantage of the last few remaining weeks and plant myself in our newly renovated park downtown, sit there in my lawn chair and soak in the free summer concerts they have been having.  But let's face it, you can't just sit there and relax completely without a little snack.

I happily parted with a few of my beloved nectarines to whip us up a little to dessert to enjoy with our music and I'm so glad I did, a sweet little summer dessert really did make the music sound that much sweeter.

1.  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

2.  Make the crumb mixture.  In a food processor combine:

1 cup old-fashioned oats
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup light brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 sticks cold unsalted butter, cut into 1/2" pieces
Zest of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon fresh rosemary, minced (you can use 1/2 tsp. if you only want a hint of rosemary flavor)

Pulse until barely starting to stick together.  You still want a crumb consistency.

If you don't have a food processor you can cut the butter into the other ingredients with a pastry cutter or two knives.

2.  Spray a 7" x 11" baking pan with no-stick spray and place half of the crumb mixture in the pan and press down with your fingers.

3.  Bake bottom crust for 17-20 minutes.  You just want the crust to set up.

4.  While your crust is baking prepare jam filling.  Combine in a small saucepan the following:

2 pounds yellow nectarines, pits removed and diced in small pieces
Juice of 1 lemon
3-4 inch sprig of fresh rosemary
3/4 cup granulated sugar

5.  Cook the jam on med-high heat until thickened and reduced by half (about 15 minutes).  Turn the jam down a bit if it's boiling too hard; it's very easy to scorch a small batch of jam.  Stir every few minutes.  Remove rosemary sprig.

6.  Remove the crust from the oven and place the jam evenly over the crust.  Sprinkle the rest of the crumb topping over the fruit and return to the oven for 25-30 minutes, until nicely browned.

7.  Schlep your significant other, kids and friends to the park and park it for awhile, share some crumb bars and a bottle of wine, you will be shocked at how fast your stress disappears.

Don't let the "Queen" down - go enjoy the rest of summer, it will be gone almost as fast as these crumb bars were.




  1. o my Gina, these crumb bars look heavenly. I love the nectarine cooked with rosemary.

  2. Hi Gina,
    Sorry to hear you didn't get as many nectarines as you wanted this season. But I do love what you did with them in these crumb bars. I could totally picture myself enjoying an outdoor concert and munching a one of your crumb bars.

  3. Your Nectarine Crumb Bars are gorgeous, Gina! Wish I had a friend with a nectarine orchard!

  4. I'd like one of these RIGHT NOW, please! Yum! :)

  5. Hi Gina! I need one of these bar cookies for dessert tonight! I bought 4 nectarines at the market tonight, they are just perfect right now- I'm going to be 'good' and slice one of them over my cereal in the am. But, what I really want is one of these yummy bar cookies;-)

  6. Gina,

    I love your crumb bars with the nectarines. They are a good way to eat my oatmeal amd use the rosemary in my garden:) Enjoy the music! Happy Birthday! I
    ll talk to you very soon.

  7. Even though we didn't do a lot of the typical summer things because we didn't have a car, this may be one of the first that I really lived through a kid's summer since I was a kid. It was kind of fun having ice cream cones, riding bikes and getting mosquito bites again.

    Of course, no one made me these amazing looking bars. Now THAT would have been the exclamation point on my summer!

  8. I love nectarines too and your bars are nothing but perfection. Enjoy the rest of the summer.

  9. I am SOOOO happy you posted this recipe. My mouth is watering. Tasting the nectarines that you brought to the jam making party, I can confirm that they are simply delish. This bar cookie is awesome and I will be pinning now to make very soon. Hope you are getting settled into your new home.

  10. These bars look so good. I love nectarines but I've never paired them with rosemary or for that matter ever put them in a bar. Can't wait for summer to arrive so I can try your recipe.

  11. I love simple little fruit desserts like this. Rosemary is brilliant - I've never tried it, but I can sure taste it. Mentally speaking, that is - appropriate since one might say I'm a mental case, but that's another topic. ;-) Nice recipe - thanks.

  12. I love all kinds of peaches/nectarines and so nice to use them for baked goods! And you are so close to orchards for restocking fresh ones all the time too! Adding rosemary seems very unique and I love the rosemary fragrance to this delicious sweets!
