
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sourdough Bread Pudding with Apple-Raspberry Sauce

I was on a mission this morning to clean the house, catch up the laundry, and clean out the fridge.  I was on a roll until I got half way into cleaning out the fridge.  Before you go thinking it's because I'm a slacker let me assure you there is a perfectly good reason why I didn't ever finish cleaning out the fridge.

I was busy pulling out all the items in the way back of the fridge that expired way too long ago when a half eaten container of raspberries (due to expire at a moment's notice) caught my eye, then a couple of lonely apples that were on their last legs.  I had to drop everything and do something about their desperate situation.

I decided to fix a small batch of apple-raspberry sauce and while I was pulling out a pot I noticed a loaf of sourdough bread on the counter that had been there so long it was as hard as a rock. (Cough, cough.) It's not that I'm usually that neglectful with my ingredients; its just things got a little hectic around here this weekend with my daughter going to homecoming.

Before I knew it I was whipping up a batch of bread pudding to accompany the sauce.  Besides bread pudding always scores me bonus points with Hot Dog Dude, it's his favorite dessert on the planet.

Sourdough Bread Pudding
4 cups milk
4 eggs
1/2 cup granulated sugar + 2 teaspoons
2 teaspoons vanilla bean paste or extract
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 loaf sourdough French bread, cut in 1-inch cubes
2 ounces dark chocolate, chopped in large pieces
2-3 tablespoons butter

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.

Cut the loaf of bread up into 1/2" cubes and place into a buttered 9" x 13" x 2" baking pan.

Heat milk in a saucepan on medium heat until bubbles appear around the outside edges, remove from the heat.

In a large bowl add the 2 whole eggs and separate the other 2 and add only the yolks, save the whites for an omelet or something.  Add the sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt.  Beat together to combine.

Slowly drizzle in the warm milk while whisking.  Strain the milk mixture with a fine sieve and pour over the top of the bread cubes.  Let sit for 15 minutes.

Cut up the chocolate and sprinkle over the top of the bread mixture.  Cut the butter up into thin slices and add to the bread mixture and sprinkle the top with the remaining 2 teaspoons sugar.

Bake for 50 minutes or until the edges of the cubes start to brown a bit and most of the milk is absorbed.

Apple-Raspberry Sauce
2 medium apples, skin removed, cored, and chopped in 1/4" pieces
1/2 cup apple cider or apple juice
3-4 ounces fresh raspberries
1 tablespoon granulated sugar

Add the diced apples and juice to a small saucepan and cook on medium to medium-low heat for 8 minutes with the lid on and then add the raspberries and sugar and cook for 5-6 more minutes uncovered.  Once all the fruit is tender, turn the heat off and puree the mixture with a handheld immersion blender or food processor.

Tangy sourdough bread, melty dark chocolate and a zippy fruit sauce, maybe I will add this dessert to my all-time favorites list or at least until the next time I have dessert anyways.  I'm anticipating my next dessert to be within the next 48 hours because I like to keep myself on a strict dessert schedule.  I like to think it compensates for my lenient housekeeping schedule.




  1. Look at you making use of those soon to depart fridge goodies! I'd have just tossed them to the chickens. You need to come up here and help me clean my fridge some day. The bread pudding looks amazing! I miss you guys....I'm on jury duty this week and have been gone or running Dudette around (she tests today) from early morning until bedtime.

  2. When it comes to chores, it doesn't take much at all to distract me :)Maybe it's my strict dessert schedule that gets in the way! I love how you added a wee bit of chocolate to your bread pudding...I, too, love this dessert!

  3. Lizzy we have to have our priorities, lol.

  4. Love! What a great way to use the scrumptious items that are patiently waiting in the fridge! The fact that you used Sourdough bread makes me want to jump through the screen with a hungry spoon in hand. ;D

  5. Gina, Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving that sweet comment! I'm also a big fan of Nancy's work -- she is such an inspiration! If you get the chance to try the grape leaves, hope you enjoy them. :)

    Your blog is gorgeous. I love bread puddings...for me, they are the ultimate breakfast comfort food. This one looks wonderful with chocolate and apple-raspberry sauce!

  6. I love that all the ingredients it takes to make this are partiently waiting in the fridge just ready to amaze - this looks soooooo delicious :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  7. Great looking dish here. I love bread pudding (Mrs K R does a really nice version, but she doesn't put chocolate in hers; I'll have to tell her about yours), and this sauce looks terrific. I always get distracted when I'm cleaning out the fridge, too. Not one of my favorite things to do! Good post - thanks.

  8. Haha, it was good that you got distracted and ended up baking so we get to see your post! :) Your bread pudding looks delicious. I'd love to take a break from all the chores for this treat, and hmmm apple raspberry sauce? That sounds delicious!

  9. I love it when ingredients jump out of the fridge, begging to be used. Well, wow, Gina, you have certainly done those humble ingredients justice with this gorgeous pudding!

  10. I am not usually a bread pudding fan, but the raspberry sauce along with this would have me asking for 2nd servings!!! LOVE!!! I know my mom would be loving this one right along with me.

    Got your email... and it's looking like the FB fest is just too expensive. I did find a decent air, but the hotel was coming to close to $500 a night. Just can't justify it. So I will have to read from afar once again!!! Post pics for us far away!!!

  11. Your bread pudding looks delish! I know you're not a slacker, lol! I have to make bread pudding, now to check what's in the fridge;-)
    Have a wonderful weekend Gina;-)

  12. I love sourdough bread, but have been stuck on croissant and challah for bread puddings..for too long! I have to try this..especially with the chocolate chunks and raspberry sauce served with. It looks terrific!

  13. Slacker is not a word anyone would use to describe you. Now on to that bread pudding. O-m-g!! I love bread pudding and those chunks of chocolate are calling to me. Thanks for sharing, now I'll have to neglect a few ingredients to make your pudding:)

  14. Gina,
    How did I miss this post? You aren't slacker in the least bit. this bread pudding is amazing, especially with the chocolate and fruit sauce. Scott likes bread pudding, so I might have to make this for him. I hardly ever make bread pudding for him, though.

  15. So glad that I backtracked to find your awesome bread pudding. I only have used Mark Bittman's simple bread pudding recipe, so far. Not everyone likes bread pudding in my family. (must be the thought of using old bread)...I, personally love it, and your recipe is superb, with the bits of dark chocolate, and with the yummy apple-raspberry sauce. Love it:DD
